On this 11th day of Ramadan, I would like to share with you some - TopicsExpress


On this 11th day of Ramadan, I would like to share with you some of my thoughts on the issue of our destiny and purpose in life. I believe each human being is created to fulfill a particular mission in his / her life on planet earth. Through my life experience, my coaching career and through my seminars I have found out that many people actually do not know what their mission or purpose in life is and they live in state of confusion and bewilderment. I hope that you as a reader of this posting are not in this kind of sate and have great clarity about your purpose and the mission to accomplish. However if for some reason you are not 100 % sure about that… or if you are quite sure but still want to validate it, then may I suggest the following exercise which I think will bring you great clarity and spiritual understanding of your purpose: Sit in calm and comfortable place, close your eye and take a few deep breaths to become more relaxed. Now imagine that your Creator has given you a long life and abundant health. Imagine that you are 100 year old and you are surrounded by your family, your friends and your co-workers and they are here to celebrate your 100th Birthday (Imagine this even if you don’t know your exact birthday or the year you were born). As part of the celebrations, one member of family ( a child, a grandchild etc.) one of your friends and one of your colleagues are going to give each a 2 minute speech about who you are, what you have accomplished and how you have impacted their lives and the lives of other people whom you have been in contact with during the past 100 years. Think about each of them and what should each say about you…… Now open your eyes, take a pen and note pad to write a one page speech for each one of them. Write for each one what they should say about you as a family person and, which kind of a friend you have been and which kind of a colleague you have been for all those past decades. (If you cannot finish this exercise in one stretch may be you can do it in three rounds.) The insight will surprise you, but the most important thing is that after you write those speeches,,,, do your best to read then as often as you can and live by those findings. Those are the clues to your Mission and Purpose in life. This tool and exercise is my gift to you at this Holy month of Ramadan I wish you Good luck.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 04:41:22 +0000

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