On this Christmas Eve (2014), Cheryl and I thought we would show - TopicsExpress


On this Christmas Eve (2014), Cheryl and I thought we would show you some photos of LTWC and just a few of the wildlife we cared for this year. Here is wishing you and yours a very Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. First, we wanted to show you what ‘our’ house looks like for the Christmas season. We like to take advantage and celebrate this time of year. The next photo is of Heavenly, the 2nd year bear cub who was injured, brought to LTWC, released, came back to Tahoe, then sent to a permanent care facility in Scottsdale, AZ. Now - - Heavenly is living the Life of Riley - - or should I say living the Heavenly life. Then, of course, no one can forget the little lady, Tahoe. She was the darling of the year, who stole our hearts. She is still with us and will be released in early 2015. We had a Short-Eared Owl come in with a broken wing. Dr. Willitts, our volunteer vet for more than 25 years, didn’t have a whole lot of hope for this one, BUT, he gave it the old college (Michigan State) try. Lo and behold, it worked and the owl was released in early December. Dr. Willitts has been doing marvelous work ever since he started volunteering. We are very thankful for his service. Yes, we even save skunks. This spotted female skunk lost her mommy and we were able to successfully raise her and get her back out into the wild. One word of warning. When you walk by her cage - - - walk slowly and do not make any sudden movements! You may not like the results. And, finally, I was able to get this photo of Anthony Cupaiuolo who was taking a video of the release of a Red-Tailed Hawk at the Lake Tahoe Golf Course. We were honored to have the GM of the golf course, Kevin Sommerfeld, to help with the release. And, finally, the newest arrival at LTWC is a 24 pound bear cub from Fortuna, CA (near Eureka). He/she (we don’t know yet) was seen for several days with no mom in sight. CA Fish and Wildlife picked up the cub on Tuesday morning and Cheryl and I were able to meet them at the Regional Headquarters in Rancho Cordova (near Sacramento) at 11pm to bring the cub to LTWC. Made for a very long day, as we didn’t get back home until about 1am on Christmas Eve (Wednesday). Remember, if you need a last minute tax deduction for 2014, LTWC is a 501c3 organization. The easy way is to go to our web site (ltwc.org) and click on the ‘Donate’ button. We hope your holidays are filled with fun, love and enjoyment. Be safe. We look forward to an unbelievable year in 2015, as we plan to start construction on our new facility in May! Thank you for your support. Tom
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 21:40:51 +0000

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