On this Election Day – 2013. I ask …. Is Stupid the New - TopicsExpress


On this Election Day – 2013. I ask …. Is Stupid the New Normal? Nancy and Harry wrote the 2,300 page QuadZeroCare law, pushed it through Congress in partisan fashion without comprehending its contents, and Quad Zero signed it without anyone reading it! Now, more than four years from it becoming law, we know that passage was based on lies! I think it is justice for the American People that the roll out is a dysfunctional mess. Reports about how many are able to sign up using the federal exchange are abysmal. The state exchanges are modestly more successful. Numbers vary based on their origin and date. Suffice it to say that signups are an order of magnitude below what they need to be. Pick a number (30,000,000 to 50,000,000) are without insurance. At current success rates, looks like it will take 40 to 50 years to get everybody signed up, and that does not count those who need to sign up who are currently being ejected from their policies. An unintended consequence is we sure dont need to worry about that time frame or the meager one year delay requested by many in the individual mandate when you have the QuadZeroCare healthcare.gov web design team helping you out! Be careful here, I think Quad Zero likes the media frenzy over the web site as it is overshadowing the real faults of QuadZeroCare. Perhaps my concentration on his lies is meant to deflect me from the real structural things wrong with QuadZeroCare! If any of you still have doubts or need more proof of the stupidity the Quads domestic policy agenda, the roll out of QuadZeroCare should dispel those doubts. QuadZeroCare, we now know, will not be cheaper, you are not guaranteed to keep your coverage or your doctor. QuadZeroCare will not even cover everyone as Quad promised. Hell, if you do need it, you cant sign up anyway. Yet Quad Zero and his lemmings tell us that other than those little glitches, QuadZeroCare is wonderful! As I stated above,that is probably a good thing for them as it deflects from the real problem QuadZeroCare must face come 1 January 2014...... actually delivering healthcare. With all the problems we are seeing just applying, getting assigned to an insurance company, and confirming that you actually do have coverage, what faith do you have that you will actually see a doctor and receive health care? I predict we dont even get to that point since QuadZeroCare has already made our economy so sick it may not recover, even if we are able to return to conservative values and reverse some of the really stupid polices we have seen over the past five years. You, at least, have to give businesses credit for knowing what is good for them. Even before implementation, the economy was suffering from QuadZeroCare complications. Things got worse at the beginning of this year when savvy employers who understand the impact, stopped hiring for full time positions, correctly anticipating and reacting to QuadZeroCares definition of full time workers. That early recognition and the agitation it created among Quads many business cronies, resulted in the many waivers and the one-year delay in the company mandate to provide coverage or pay fines. Bully for them! Hiring has not returned to normal and since it is anticipated to remain less than robust, what do we do next year? Next year will be a real mess as the individual mandate that forces everyone without insurance to buy QuadZeroCare or face the IRS takes effect in March. Then, just a short 11 months from now, the employer mandate comes back. Take three aspirin and call me in the morning! QuadZeroCare is a drug that will last a long time once people get addicted to the subsidies, no matter what we do. Its already a chronic sickness that will ultimately cause the demise of the America we know. You know what I mean….bankruptcy! Is there any good news? I guess if you try to sign up, but cant get through you can hope the IRS misplaces your file, or hope that Congress and Quad ease up on the individual mandate. QuadZeroCare goes broke if the individual mandate is delayed, so you won’t see that. My understanding is that the IRS will first check to see if you have registered as a Republican, expressed that you are a patriot, or have organized a tea party before deciding whether or not to prosecute you for not complying with QuadZeroCare. Your choice - a fine or jail time. You dont have to tell me how stupid it is! Welcome to QuadZeroCare, where stupid is the new normal.
Posted on: Tue, 05 Nov 2013 12:21:49 +0000

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