On this STEAMY Tuesday morn I am so very grateful: ...for - TopicsExpress


On this STEAMY Tuesday morn I am so very grateful: ...for a/c. ...for cool drinks. ...for kitty snuggles. ...that even though I am getting a slow start to my day, I still have time to be grateful. ...for flexibility. ...for cake made for work. Butter cake (definitely NOT low fat) with chocolate frosting. ...for cranberry-blackberry - the juice of choice for the day and very tasty. ...for news from my baby girl at Mayo. Still more testing, but I know Mayo will get to the bottom of it all. ...for Hope. ...for those in mourning, who know that my thoughts are with them. There is no pattern to mourning, it never gets better, but it does get easier. Mourning is a personal thing, and dont let anyone tell you to get over it, or tell you that you are doing it wrong. Mourning takes time--sometimes a long time, sometimes not very long. Its okay to laugh, or cry, or do whatever you wish. Honor your feelings. Be who you are, and make yourself proud. THAT is all that matters. ...for enough. Have a beautiful day everyone. Make today a day to honor those who have left the physical plane, and share memories with a loved one. Talk to those who have crossed, believe me, they do hear you. But remember, there are those who are still here, that need your love too. Today FEEL your feelings and share them with those closest to you. You are a member of the human race and you matter. Namaste.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 11:23:21 +0000

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