On this Thanksgiving eve here in chilly South Florida, we have two - TopicsExpress


On this Thanksgiving eve here in chilly South Florida, we have two very special updates to share with you. Updates that, without you, would not have been possible. Just yesterday we shared the story of Little Annabelle who needed immediate surgery for a Diaphragmatic Hernia. We asked for your donations to help this sweet soul. You responded with lightning speed and the funds were raised lickety split. Today she had her surgery and here she is being comforted by the tender hand of Dr. Latimer. Her surgery was a huge success and Little Sweet Annabelle can now look forward to a life filled with love and compassion. You all gave her the opportunity to live, love, and be loved in return. For that, we are thankful. Many of you have followed the story of Oliver. Crazy Weim Oliver had an esophageal stricture and underwent numerous procedures and eventual surgery. Big Dog Ranch Rescue had been told successful surgery for him was not possible. We were told we should give up and allow nature to take its course. We didnt listen (when it comes to the lives of our dogs, we can be pretty hard-headed). Again, we reached out to you, our Facebook supporters, for necessary funds for surgery for Oliver. Albeit risky surgery, it was his last and only hope for a normal life. Beyond all imaginable odds, Olivers surgery was a success. His rehab was a long and arduous process and required him to be supervised 24/7 for an extended period of time. Big Dog Ranch Rescue, with your help, made it all happen and today Oliver left the gates of the Ranch to a foster (and hopefully) forever home. The response to Olivers story was beyond our wildest dreams and all necessary funds were raised. All of you out there who donated, supported, shared, and prayed for our Oliver should feel pretty darn good tonight. You are the reason he is alive and well today. Here at Big Dog Ranch Rescue, we are, of course, very thankful for all of the lives we are able to save every single day. We are also especially thankful and grateful for all of you. You help us to make Big Dog Ranch Rescue possible. We need you and we appreciate you and all you do for the dogs and puppies of Big Dog Ranch Rescue. When you help us by answering a plea to donate, you are directly involved with giving the gift of life to a homeless dog in need. We are truly very thankful for your caring and compassion. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and your families. Each and every one of you is truly a blessing.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 00:52:07 +0000

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