On this date in 1654, English poet, physician and lead lute player - TopicsExpress


On this date in 1654, English poet, physician and lead lute player for the classical rock band Deep Lavender, Richard Blackmore was born. Famous for their madrigals, My Woman From Tottenham., Highway Man, Be Thee Quiet, Space Carting and the legendary, Bloke On My Daughter. Doctor Blackmore would leave Deep Lavender to form his own chamber band, which he dubbed, Blackmores Spectral Phenomenon, featuring the scandalous strumpet Nixie Stephens, but came nowhere near the popularity of Deep Lavender, who are headlining the Plague Aid concert at the Globe, with a pair of new lead luteist. The first new plucker, is from Spain, El Marques, Geraldo-The Four-Fingered, of Los Casa De Garcia desde San Francisco. The second string musician will be that sensation from somewhere south of the Sahara, the Nubian Wildman, King Hendrix of the Jimi Tribe, playing a strange instrument called a fyndr. King Charles II will be in attendance along with his band The Cavaliers. Crazy Ollie Cromwell and his rowdy posse, The Rockin Roundheads will be there, too. Remember guys, no daggers or flintlocks. Deep Lavender, (beside the Marques and King Hendrix, includes, Ian-The Gregorian, The Master of The Chant, Duke of Gillan, Viscount Ian of Paice-On-Drum, Earl Roger-The Rhythmic from Glover on contra-bass and harpsichordist, Lord Jon Lord. Meanwhile, the esteemed Doctor Blackmore and his colorful mates will be opening for, Guy Fawlkes and The Gunpowder Plot at the sleezy basement pub under the Ballocks and Chips Inn north of Newcastle-on-Tynne. Not what he expected of his solo adventure. Pictured below are the current members of Deep Lavender and then a few of Blackmores Spectral Phenomenon.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 22:34:16 +0000

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