On this day before Christmas I write that many of us forget why we - TopicsExpress


On this day before Christmas I write that many of us forget why we do this job, or as I say career. But I know when I left Las Vegas, I was in a bad place in my life, a Chief ( Chuck Wood ) gave me a chance to do this again in a small Village called Tularosa, this man allowed me to work the shift I wanted and need at that time of my life. It put me back into why I do what I do and why I love being and officer, when I see the smiles on the children every morning as I drive around doing school patrol with my window down rain, snow, or shine, a friendly wave from an old officer letting them know Im there for them that we are the good guys and we will protect them from the bad guys. See in this career we are the good guys, sadly many people believe we are the bad guys and teach their children this too. But Im reminded daily as I walk the hall of the Tularosa Police Department which is lined with many thank you cards and posters from our Elementary and Intermediate Schools showing us the support and love for this small but great department. I know and understand that all lives matter, that everyone out there is a son, daughter brother, sister, aunt, uncle, mother, father, wife or husband. I dont care if your gay or straight, if your white, black, brown, or yellow (yes I used colors because it seems that most people are caught up on race). Treat me with respect and I will return it to you. In about 2000 I had the great honor of working for again a great leader and Chief, Chief Albert Mares. Chief Mares showed me that I could express myself with words, see back then I use swore a lot not that I still dont but this was bad, in supervisors meeting and other meeting, Chief Mares pulled my aside one day and told me that great leaders speak up and lead, they dont make a show of it, so with those word in mind thats how Ive told to be, yes I have failed but I get back up, I guess what Im saying is that we as a Police force have been knocked down and we will get back up why because thats what we do, we stand for those that cant we protect those that cant we honor those that cant. with this said, I say Merry Christmas to all my brothers and sisters in Law Enforcement please be safe out there remember someone is waiting for you at home. From the Tularosa Police Department I wish everyone a safe and Merry Christmas. God bless. Much Love and Respect Sgt. Lawrence (Casey) OConnor.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 13:45:05 +0000

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