On this day in Christian History, 1649. This day 1649 was so - TopicsExpress


On this day in Christian History, 1649. This day 1649 was so bitterlyl cold that the Thames froze over. King Charles I of England was afraid that he might shiver as he stood on the scaffold and the people would think he was trembling from fear, so he donned an extra shirt. He chose his other clothes with care so that he might look his best. I do not fear death, he said. Death is not terrible to me. I bless my God I am prepared Despite the errors that brought Charles to the scaffold on this day, there is no denying his adherence to the forms of faith. He knelt in prayer every morning of his reign, even on hunting days, and kept a prayer book by his bedside. What led this apparently religious man to such a grievous fate? Charles could not get along with Parliament. During his reign every Parliament sought to rebuke him before giving him money, and so he quickly dlssolved them. The third Parliament aggrieved by Charless high-handed actions, forced Charles to sign a petition of right, a statement of civil liberties, before he dissolved it. he levied taxes without parliamentary approval and the dissolved the fourth Parliament when it opposed the taxes. The Charles decided to rule without any Parliament at all, and he did so for eleven years. To raise money, he taxed ships. Charles raised Bishop William Laud to the powerful Star Chamber and Court of Commissions, from where Laud oppressed the kings opponents. Charles had long wanted to compel the Presbyterian Scots to accept a liturgy based on that of the Church of England, so Laud tried to force a new prayer book on Scotland. Great numbers of Scots pledged to resist the changes. These Covenanters defeated Charles in battle. Again Charles called a session of Parliament. It would not give him money until it stated the nations grievances, so Charles dissolved it. But after another defeat in Scotland, his financial straits forced him to call of Parliament in November 1640. Ths was the famous Long Parliament that impeached and executed Archbishop Laud. The House of Commons prepared a Grand Remonstrance against Charles. In retaliation, he entered Parliament with an armed force to arrest five of its members. The House of Commons called out Londons militia for protection. With the smell of war in the air, the queen fled to the Netherlands and Charles left for York, where noblemen gathered at his side. The Puritans, who had suffered much at Lauds hands, took Parliaments side and civil war ensued. After five years of war, Charles feel into Parliaments hands. He escaped and rallied the Scots to his cause, but Oliver Cromwell defeated them and Charles was again the prisoner of Parliament. The House of Commons appointed a commission of sixty-seven men to try Charles for his crimes. Most members of Parliament were opposed to killing the king. In fact when the death sentence was passed, only half of the commissioners were present - and some of them balked at signing the sentence. There was great difficulty finding an executioner who would carry out the sentence. However, Cromwell overcame these and other obstacles, and Charles was brought out to be executed. The king had planned to speak to the crowd before he died, but barriers around the scaffold prevented the people from seeing him. A bystander felt the edge of the axe, and Charles pleaded that he not dull the blade. To the fifteen men who were within earshot, he read his last speech. Turning to Bishop Juxson, he said, Remember, and gave the bishop his bedside prayer book. Then he tucked his hair under a white cap so that it might not impede the blade. I am going from a corruptible to an incorruptible crown, where no disturbance can be, said the king. The executioner asked Charles to pardon him for the act he was about to commit, but Charles said, The king cannot pardon a subject who willfully sheds his blood, then added, I pray you, do not put me to pain.: Charles prayed a last prayer and then lay down flat with his neck on the block. The crowd saw the axe flash high and heard its thud. With a single voice, they groaned. Their willful but brave king was dead.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 12:53:28 +0000

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