On this fateful day Ude ventured deeper into the forest, the - TopicsExpress


On this fateful day Ude ventured deeper into the forest, the first four traps did not catch anything. He thought that to be a little strange because this part of the forest was very rich in antelopes. He moved on to another section of the forest treading carefully not to step on another hunters trap. Some amateur hunters have been known to die as a result of such accidents. His curiosity soon turned to alarm and then anger as he noticed fresh foot markings around his traps. Some one was tampering with his traps, he should have sensed that earlier he berated himself. But who could this be. He set off for the last trap with a sprint, his big heart heaving rapidly as he dodged stones and trees on his way. On getting nearer to the last trap he began to hear the sound of a struggle. He quickened his footstep and within minutes he caught sight of a large antelope trying to set itself free but the trap held it firmly in a death grip. Its struggle increased as it noticed Udeze drawing nearer. Without hesitation he smote the antelope with his double-edged machete and every movement ceased save for a little body spasm as blood gushed out staining the brown earth, undergrowth and freshly torn leaves that fell victim to the antelopes struggle. Udeze immediately went to work; he freed the dead animal from the jagged trap. An irony of life he thought just like man whose struggle for true freedom could only be achieved after death. Then he tied up the antelope in a way that will make it easy to carry back to the village. The animal was big and heavy but so was Udeze. He was in a good mood again; whistling as he worked, the catch had driven his initial suspicion away from his mind. He had promised to give his mother and the other wives meat for Nnannas soup; there would certainly be enough to go round.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 17:07:07 +0000

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