On this fine, cold, gray, rainy, Election Day ;), I would like to - TopicsExpress


On this fine, cold, gray, rainy, Election Day ;), I would like to say that no matter how you voted, it will not affect how I treat you. The way you vote is your choice as an American, and I am grateful for that privilege. That being said, let us not let politics create a rift between you and your fellow American. Dont get insurance from somewhere because the companys owner is a staunch democrat. Dont eat a a great fast food joint because the owner of that one is a proud conservative. As soon as we start shunning each other over over petty things of that nature we walk he path towards civil war. Yeah, I know it sounds like an extreme statement but hey: History backs me up on this. The election is done, now let us hold accountable those weve placed in office and work towards making where ever we are as individuals a better place. A house divided can not stand; let us not forget this moving forward. God bless, and power to the people.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 02:38:41 +0000

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