On this fourth of July we celebrate the freedoms and rights that - TopicsExpress


On this fourth of July we celebrate the freedoms and rights that so many fought and died for 237 years ago. We celebrate the lives of those who since then went to war, adding their blood to the sacrifice in places most of us will never see and in towns and regions who’s names few know. We will celebrate the continued sacrifice of those who put on a uniform today, be it a solider, sailor, airman, or law enforcement officer. This reminds us that the cost of freedom and democracy is constant and consistent vigilance. Thomas Jefferson said, “The natural progress of things is for government to gain ground and for liberty to yield.” Unfortunately such has been true for the past several decades. Our vigilance has been absent all too often, but the pressure of a liberal agenda has not. That agenda has pressed hard to make us a people who just “lets” government rule. It’s proponents have enticed us to take the comfort of a soft life where many are coddled and survive but few thrive. We have been convinced it’s better to sit and coo like doves rather than strive and soar like eagles. We’ve been secularized, muted, disarmed, invaded and federalized. Our churches are assaulted, organizations investigated, our hard-earned income redistributed and our beliefs belittled. Please know that on this Independence Day, July 4th 2013, our freedoms are more challenged than perhaps ever before. This sadly not just by those outside our borders but all too often, from those who live in state houses built by the very blood and sweat of the hero’s we celebrate today. In 1981, I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States from enemies, both foreign and domestic. Never before are those domestic enemies so obvious or determined. Will we have the courage and determination to take up the cause, resist the offer of an easy life and the anesthetizing offers of the nanny state and take back this government for the best of the governed? If not, what will we be celebrating in another 237 years?
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 15:00:36 +0000

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