On this pro-Daish website: - TopicsExpress


On this pro-Daish website: https://darulilm.wordpress/2013/01/11/who-may-execute-an-insulter/ It is claimed that it is allowed for any random Muslim, at any place and time to execute anyone who insults the Prophet (peace be upon him). Based on what? Based on picking some ahadith *without* the consultation of the scholars (thats what they often do). In this case they just dropped the sharh (explanation) of the scholars! Know - may Allah have mercy on you - that for every hadith there is an explanation (Sharh) because the scholars know when and under what circumstances what happened and how it is connected to other hadith, incidents, rulings etc. What they (in the blog) dont tell you is the following (may Allah reward brother Ibn Abbas Al-Misri, its basically all his tahqiq that he shared with me, I am just translating a bit here and there) statements of the scholars of hadith: 1. Shaykh Abdel-Muhsin Al-Abbad (contemp. Salafi scholar and Muhaddith in Madinah) was discussing the narration of the blind man who killed the woman (his concubine and mother of his two children) who was constantly insulting the Messenger of Allah. Basically the blind man killed the woman (with a dagger) and then came to the Messenger of Allah and told him of the incident and the Messenger praised him for that deed. the Shaykh was discussing that the Hadd punishment is from the right of the ruler so why did the Messenger condone this action? The shaykh discusses the fiqh behind this: الشيخ عبد المحسن العباد - شرح سنن أبي داود السؤال: هل في هذا دليل على أن المرتد أو ساب الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم يقتله من سمعه؟ الجواب: لا. ليس له قتله؛ لأن القتل هو للإمام، لكن لو وقع فإن الدم هدر، وليس فيه قصاص. السؤال: هل في حديث الأعمى دليل على جواز اغتيالات أئمة الكفر كما فعل بكعب بن الأشرف ؟ الجواب: إذا كان سيترتب على ذلك أضرار بالمسلمين فليس هناك مصلحة في الإقدام على هذه الأعمال. Question: Is there an evidence in this that the apostate or the one who slanders the Messenger صل الله عليه و سلم can be killed by anyone who heard it [the slander etc.]? Answer: No it is not his right to execute. The execution is the right of the legislated ruler (Imam), but if it happens then no Qisas* (i.e. equality in punishment) is applied. (*this is because normally a life is to be taken for a life, no matter if the killed person is a muslim or non-Muslim. Without right nobody can be killed. That in return means that although such a person - the one who without permission kills somebody who insulted the Prophet - cannot be killed, however the authorities can still punish him with anything other than execution) 2. And of course this has been also said by the Salaf themselves such as Imam Al-Shafii. He said that if a man kills a Muslim woman who has insulted the Messenger of Allah, and tells the Qadi that this is the reason that he did it, then that man shall be killed unless he can bring a Bayyinah (clear-cut proof and evidence) for what he claimed (if he brings a bayyinah the Imam can still punish him for violating his rights and taking the Hudood to his own hands) otherwise anyone will take the law to his hands and this is unlike the case of the Messenger of Allah who can be informed of the truthfulness of he who made this claim through Wahyi (revelation). Subhanallah! Look at the perfection of Islam and the deep understanding of the scholars and compare that to the shallow understandings of the extremists in the link Ive given who interprete Hadith and their contexts as they wish, not realising that by the very own standards they have set (that any random person can take the law in his hand and kill somebody he claims to have insulted the Prophet), they have actually opened the gates for all sorts of lunatics and murderers go around and killing their foes only to claim later that that person has actually insulted the Prophet!!! You cant blame then according to the shallow understanding of the extremists, since the Prophet did not blame those who defended his honour in his time as well (they do not realise that he is the Prophet, he received Wahyi ... hence it cant be applied in an absolute sense after his demise).
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 03:24:29 +0000

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