On this, the thirteenth anniversary of that morning of blue skies - TopicsExpress


On this, the thirteenth anniversary of that morning of blue skies on a warm September day, we pause to reflect. America lost its innocence that day. It was just like Pearl Harbor on that sleepy morning of December, 1941. The morning of 9/11 dawned, and over three thousand of our countrymen left home, never to return. At the same hour our innocence was stolen, we saw extraordinary acts of bravery and courage that exemplify what is best in the soul of our people. For a brief time, we were united, and pledged to never forget. We came together. All races, all religions, all socioeconomic groups, all parties. We were, simply, Americans. We sought to bring to justice those who had wronged our nation, who had wantonly slaughtered our brothers and sisters. We lost thousands of young American lives in wars fought in a faraway land to do just that. We did not embrace war, nor did we want it, but neither did we shy away from keeping freedom and democracy alive from those seeking to destroy it. The stance of the United States was clear to those who were bent on changing our way of life: we are a free and sovereign nation that was attacked by cowards wishing our demise. That doesnt stand. Not here. Despite the fact that the current administration does not verbalize it, we are, indeed, at war. We are at war with an insidious enemy who does not fight by any standard rules of warfare but who, with cunning and twisted logic, kills with abandon and with savagery. These people do not seek peace; they seek our compliance or our complete destruction. Their hatred of us and our way of life runs deep. Their goal is simple: join them or die. It is a war with a simplistic definition: good vs. evil. And this evil cannot be reckoned with, nor appeased nor suppressed. It must be eradicated. Completely. Our president does not see that, or he sees it and refuses to address it. His procrastination, his pandering, his delay are dangerous. For those on the far Left who cry war-monger and military-industrial-complex-gone-awry you are, simply, wrong. You are not safe. Your children are not safe. And the military you so despise allows you the freedom to espouse your silliness. Your ignorance has helped weaken us in the eyes of the world. That feel-good, touchy-feely peace you seek is not won through weakness, but through strength. And our conservative voices who speak out loudly against this administrations foreign policies are still free to do just that, for now. This deep division was not caused by those of us on the right, but by this sitting president who has lied and covered up at every possible juncture, who has used his office to shred the rule of law and to pursue a radical agenda unlike the one he promised. Stop, today, in reflection and prayer for all that was lost on that morning in 2001. And in reflecting, think ahead to where we, America, will be in another thirteen years. Will we be together, again, or pulled asunder by forces working to destroy us, from afar and at home?
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 18:15:22 +0000

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