On to Tamworth and beyond. It has been a few days since I have - TopicsExpress


On to Tamworth and beyond. It has been a few days since I have written up my postings so it will be a matter of trying to remember exactly what I have been up to. I guess old age is starting to creep up on me after all, although I have made a pact with Sue not to allow me to getold, and we will see how that all turns out. Annnyyyyyhoooowwww!!!!!! back to what I was originally going to write about. Finally my mail came and I was able to make plans to leave Murrurundi, and head to Tamworth. It was sad leaving as I really enjoyed my time there, Carol and Doug the owners of the park were the loveliest of people and as when one meets people you click with it is always hard to move on. Still it had to be done. Now on the last day there I had no end of trouble getting television reception, to the point where I really thought it was my antenna. So that was partly why I was going into Tamworth to get that looked at, even though I could not see anything amiss. Yes I took the ladder inside climbed up through the skylight and checked it all out. Of course I am not really sure what I should have been looking for but it all looked good to me. I also needed to get batteries for the remote control that opens up all my storage drawers on Miss Daisy. The trip up through the Great Dividing Range was spectacular as it has been all the way along. I started of in heavy fog, clouds still low over the mountains, and as I climbed it became colder and more damp. The road is good though and there are plenty of passing lanes for the cars to whiz past me. The land changes so often, from heavy bush, to pasture and then back to the sparse gum tree typical aussie bush settings. The hills and mountains that surround these areas are incredible, there is a continual blue haze over them, almost purple at times. I have been known to tear up as I see the scenery appear in front of me. It is hard to capture that beauty on camera, the emotion of it, so once again you are going to have to believe me or better still get out here and experience it yourself. Passing through Wallabadah, I seen a camp site that looked like a nice place to come back to.There was also gardens commemorating the first fleet, so certainly on the way somewhere at another time I will call in there. Heading into Tamworth I was amazed at how much bigger it seemed to when I was last there, which I have to admit must have been about 15 years or so ago. Coming in there is a huge new complex, entertainment centre and equestrian centre. I believe you are able to go out there and explore the whole area. I booked into the Big4 CP, near the town. It is only a 10min or so walk into town so it was convenient for me. Close to the information centre and take away places if you so desire it. Once all set up I firstly tried the television as if it needed to be looked at I would have to book it in somewhere. Yippeee, all channels were available, televisions working without any problem. It must have been the spot I was in, so a deep sigh of relief there. Then off to explore the town. There is a beautiful walk into town through the park. Stopped there and took lots of photos. It was such a beautiful day. After having a couple of months of really cold weather, which I did not mind it was so nice to be back in lighter clothing and having the sun warming on my face and back. I headed into the town centre to have a look at what was there, and once again it is so much larger than what I remembered it to be. I had not been watching the time and started to feel a little peckish, it was 2:15 and everything was closing down for the day, well the food places that is. I eventually found a little coffee shop who did a really nice toasted sandwich and coffee and then the first highlight of Sharons monumental brain snaps. I asked the lady in the shop where the street was that had all the plagues of the C&W artists. She laughed at me, took me by the arm and led me out the front door. Well lo and behold there they were. I had been walking over them for the past 15mins before lunch. I guess I had in my mind something more akin to Hollywood. These are little tiles that are set in the footpath, in a diamond shape amongst all the other tiles. They are rather dull, and certainly do not stand out, hence I did not bother to take any photos of them. I was rather disappointed actually. Still all in all I seen them, and can cross that off my list. Dont know if it was ever on it, but it is off now. So continuing exploring having a good laugh at myself yet again, I found the movie theatre and seen that Jersey Boys was still playing so made a date with myself to go and see that the next day. Back to the CP and thought I might just order takeaway Chinese from the restaurant across the road from the CP, but no that was closed for renovations so it was toasted sandwiches and an early night. Next day was another beautiful day. It started early with the earlybirds that deem it necessary to move on at some ungodly hour in the morning, packing up and starting the Diesel engines, for a long time before heading off. It amazes me that people on holidays or travelling feel the necessarity to do that, with little or no regard to those around them. I know if I spoke to them they would have a reason like, we have always been up early, or we have to leave early so we can get the best spot at the next place. Each to their own, if only they could do it a little quieter. So washing done, MD all spruced up, Sharon all spruced up even with full make up on, I headed off on my date with moi. I stopped off and bought the batteries I needed for the remote, and then down the Main Street, only to find once I got there I could not remember which mall had that theatre in it. So here is the entertainment for this day, compliments of Sharon once again. So picture this, I am standing at the entrance of a mall, jeans, top, scarf, makeup on, hair done, walking shoes, and backpack on my back. Thinking I am looking OK for a tourist on a date. I spotted a kindly looking elderly lady coming towards me, I smile at her and start to approach, she pulls out her purse and says, Oh Dear, I think I have some change for you I had to quickly assure her I did not need money and just wanted to know which mall the theatre was in. She gave me directions and headed off to do her shopping and I walked off down the street.laughing to myself. I thought I really do need to go and put a colour in my hair again, and stop looking like a vagrant or maybe she thought I was collecting for a charity. Either way it was funny at the time and thought it could only happen to me. Went to the movies and had a wonderful time, loved the movie, perhaps not quite as much as the stage show, however still an enjoyable experience. They were a bit naughty those Jersey Boys, but they made great music. A sunny afternoon to have lunch outside at one of the pubs, and then an afternoon of shopping before heading back to the CP. A tour through the information centre, which took me by surprise actually. I was walking through the display, Walk the golden mile, and taking photos, that caused many memories to come to mind. There were displays of all the old country singers, their music, old records and players. I could remember many of those records being played by my Dad as a small child, and for some reason I was suddenly missing Dad. Then there were the displays of Reg Lindsay, who was a staple entertainment for us when we first had television. I remember my Auntie being enraptured by him and being teased by my Mum and then teasing my Uncle about it. All in good fun and humour. Guess those memories invoked some good memories. And so my time in Tamworth came to a close. I was ready to move on again. I find these days, two days in a larger town is enough for me. Who would have thought it. It is a nice spot with plenty to do and see. I guess if you are really interested in the whole history of country music then there would be even more to do and see. I like country music, however I am not really a history person. So to the beyond. That I will start another posting for.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 06:42:37 +0000

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