Onampira principal resigns William J.Mbangula Thursday, March - TopicsExpress


Onampira principal resigns William J.Mbangula Thursday, March 13, 2014 - 08:00 Frustrated principal of Onampira Secondary School in Elim Constituency in Omusati Region, Efraim Nakangombe has resigned, allegedly due to enormous pressure from parents, teachers, and a lack of support from the Ministry of Education. Nakangombe is the latest casualty of the tenuous jostling for positions at Onampira SS which kicked off in earnest after the retirement of the previous principal in 2011. Since the retirement of the previous principal, the school has been managed by acting principals. Those who were officially appointed as principals allegedly became victims of backstabbing and malicious smear-campaigns, forcing them to eventually leave. It is alleged that one of the four heads of department is interested in the position of principal, thus for-cing the issue. It is alleged that the HOD in question (name provided) is currently occupying the office of the principal, immediately after the resignation of Nakangombe on 6 March 2014. This move was reportedly not approved by the senior education authorities. Nakangombe, a former education officer at Outapi Education Regional Office was appointed as principal in April last year after a leadership vacuum of more than three years at the school. “Nakangombe knew very well that he was going to occupy a hot seat at that school and he knew the environment because Onampira SS is not far away from his home village of Emono. But despite having been advised against going to that school, he went there only to end up resigning out of frustration and is now unemployed,” Informanté was told. Lucas Angula, a parent, said they are very concerned about the endless power struggle and wishes it could be brought to an end once and for all, as the squabbling is giving the school a bad name, and negatively affects the performance of the learners. Contacted for comment, Nakangombe, who submitted his resignation letter on 5 February 2014 and took leave until his last working day, 6 March, told Informanté that he was still the principal. But when it was pointed out that he has resigned, Nakangombe said: “It has nothing to do with you. This is something about my private life.” Chief Inspector Laban Shapange could not confirm or deny the allegations of Nakangombe’s resignation. Onampira SS was the most poorly performing school in Okalongo circuit. It also did badly in Grade 12.The number of learners at the school has dramatically dropped from 787 last year to 703. At least 87 more learners are required to fill two empty classrooms. As a result, the school is now overstaffed with more than 30 teachers.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 06:30:09 +0000

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