Once Hazrat Maulana Abdur Rahman Jami (R.A) gathered some - TopicsExpress


Once Hazrat Maulana Abdur Rahman Jami (R.A) gathered some companions, he then began his journey to Madinah Sharif so as to fulfil his promise. After many months of travelling, the caravan of Hazrat Jami finally reached the outskirts of Madinah Sharif. They decided to camp for the evening before entering the Holy City, when in the distance they saw a rider on a horse galloping towards them. The man on the horse came to a halt when he reached them and enquired, “Which of you is Jami?” The disciples pointed out who Hazrat Jami was and said, “That is our leader, Imam Abdul Rahman Jami.” The man alighted his horse, and greeted Hazrat Jami by saying. “Assalamu alaikum!” Hazrat Jami replied, “Wa alaikum salam! Who are you and where have you come from?” The man replied, “O Jami, I have come from Madinah.” The name of Madinah had hardly left his mouth when, overwhelmed with love and respect, Hazrat Jami took off his turban and placed it the feet of the stranger, saying, “May I be sacrificed for these feet! They have arrived from the City of my Prophet!” Hazrat Jami then enquired, “Good sir, for what reason have you come here?” The man became silent and then answered, “O Jami, you must promise to listen to this message with strength in your heart. I have brought for you a message from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w).”Hazrat Jami at once enquired, “ Tell me, what does my Beloved say?”The man hesitated, and then continued, “Jami, the Beloved Prophet (s.a.w) has sent me to tell you that he has forbidden you from entering Madinah Sharif.”These words dealt a terrible blow to Hazrat Jami, and at once he felt light-headed and fell to the ground. His companions tried to revive him but to no avail. However a few hours later, he regained consciousness and the pain caused him to weep bitterly.The man who had bought the news was waiting for Hazrat Jami to recover from the shock. Hazrat Jami then turned to him and exclaimed, “O bringer of such news, tell me why my Beloved is displeased with me?What wrong is it that I have done?” The man then replied, “O Jami, it is quite the opposite. Rasulallah (s.a.w) is in fact, extremely pleased with you.” Hazrat Jami, in confusion, replied, “How can this be, when I have been forbidden to enter the Holy City? What is this you are telling me?”The man then explained, “the Beloved has told me to tell Jami thus: if he (Jami) comes to Madinah with such intense love in his heart, I will feel it necessary to come out of my tomb and greet him in person – such would be the recompense for his love! So convey the message to him that he should not enter Madinah, and that I will visit him myself.
Posted on: Mon, 19 Aug 2013 17:57:49 +0000

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