Once a long time ago, there was a newly wedded couple, still - TopicsExpress


Once a long time ago, there was a newly wedded couple, still dressed in their rich wedding clothes, relaxing in their new home. The feast was over and the families and guests had all gone away to leave the young couple in peace and quiet. “My dear,” said the new bride, “Someone has left the front door open. Please, be my love and close it. I’m afraid the dust and noise from the street will invade our new home.” The young groom looked shocked. “You want me to shut the door?Here I am, a new bridegroom dressed in my fine clothes and wearing my jeweled dagger, and you want me to do a servant’s chore? No, I will not. Go and shut it yourself.” The young bride was immediately hurt and became furious. “So, I am to be your slave? Since there are no servants here tonight, I am to do your servant’s chore and close the door? I am also in my fine clothes and precious jewels adorn my neck and hands. I won’t go out and close a door that leads to the street. I come from a fine family and am not used to being ordered around like this.” The two newlyweds sat quietly for a few minutes and then the young bride spoke again, “My husband, why don’t we resolve this matter by making it into a game. The person who speaks first must get up and close the door.”The husband nodded and they agreed to settle the argument through silence. Since there were two sofas in the room, the young bride settled into one and faced the groom as he settled into the other. The young couple had been sitting like this for about two hours when a company of thieves walked past the entrance to the house in the darkness of the night. They saw the open door as an invitation and quietly slipped inside and began to take every item of value they could find. The young couple heard the thieves down the hall as they ransacked the house, but the wife thought that the husband should do something about it, and the husband thought his wife should, So they both sat there in stony silence like two statues. Finally, the thieves made their way into the room where the couple sat and began to collect all of the valuables including all of the wedding presents, even the fine carpet that was in the center of the room. They finally noticed the odd couple, just sitting there speechless and quickly stripped them of their jewels and left. All night long, the young couple sat there, acting every bit as stubborn as married couples twice their age. In the morning, the new servants came and saw that the house was open and virtually empty. They crept through the house until the servants saw the newlyweds, just sitting there, staring at each other in stony silence. The servants tried to talk to the couple, but when they did nothing but stare, the servants gave up and helped themselves to breakfast, eating and drinking coffee as if the kitchen were their own. Still, the young couple just sat there. Finally, one of the servants went out into the street and called for the police. The police officer came into the house and tried to question the young bride and groom, but to no avail. They ignored him as if he did not exist. The officer sent for his superior who came with more officers. They also tried to question the couple but the bride and groom just sat in silence, never looking left or right, but looking only straight at each other. Finally, the senior officer lost his temper. “Give that fellow a few blows from your staff and we’ll see if he’ll answer us then.” One of the policemen raised his staff, but at last, the young wife could not hold herself back any longer. “Please, do not strike him. He is my husband.” The young groom leaped from the sofa, yelling, “I won! Now, get up and close the door. What is this story telling you?
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 05:57:38 +0000

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