Once a person professes faith in Allaah and in the messengership - TopicsExpress


Once a person professes faith in Allaah and in the messengership of Muhammad, his profession confers on him certain benefits and obligations. While many Muslims enjoy the benefits that the deen confers, unfortunately, they become very weak and lax in fulfilling the obligations of their status. Thus, one of the major flaws of the Muslim psyche is lack of commitment. There are many aspects to lack of commitment among them are: Demonstrating inaccuracy in appointments and talk Giving judgment without verification and assurance Showing disregard for morality in argumentation and controversy Giving ears to rumours Submitting to vain desires Being oblivious of one’s strength and shortcomings Desiring instant and quick fruit of one’s efforts Disregarding the rights of brotherhood Interfering in other peoples affairs Causes Influence of the Environment: when one live’s in a society that kills initiative and endeavours, where efforts are not commensurately rewarded and the entire society is taken over by the culture of laxity and non commitment to noble values then an individual may be affected by lack of commitment. This is only natural for most of us are products of our societies. Allaah says: O you who believe! Be afraid of Allah, and be with those who are true (in words and deeds). (Q9[Tawbah]:119) Weakness of Faith: Our faith as Muslims is a source of rejuvenation and renewed energies. It protects and guards from negligence, dereliction. When a Muslim is weak in his faith in the Allaah and in the entire deen he claims to profess, then his commitment to it will be lax. Thus, Islaam recommends that a Muslim renews and cares for his faith. The Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: Renew your faith How can we renew our faith? they asked. The Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) replied, Say always, La ilaha iIIAllah. (Ahmad) Attachment to the vanities of life: When one is attached to the vanities and fascinations of life, there will be no time, energy, or good thinking to help him to be truly committed to the deen. Allaah warns us from being to attached to the world to the point of becoming lax in ones duty as Muslims: O mankind! Verily, the Promise of Allaah is true. So let not this present life deceive you, and let not the chief deceiver (Shaytan) deceive you about Allaah. (Q35 [Faatir]:5) Hardship: When a individual is faced with hardship and difficulty that comes upon him suddenly, naturally, he is shaken violently and almost robbed of his wits. Difficulty has a tendency to kill initiative especially if a way out does not seem tom present itself. The only person who is saved from this is the one who understands that life is a terrain of difficulties and that at one point or the other in one’s life, he will be tried. Allaah says: And certainly, We shall test you with something of fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to As-Sabirin (the patient ones). (Q2[Baqarah]:155) Being Overburdened with Tasks: Man is moderated by his ability so if he is overloaded with things, he may leave some or all of these things, especially when the tasks are difficult and time consuming. This is why a servant is supposed to be saddled with what it can bear, otherwise, he should be helped in carrying out the tasks. The Messenger of Allaah (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: The one under whose hand Allah has put his brother. Should feed him of what he eats and give him dresses of what he wears. And should not ask him to do a thing beyond his capacity And if at all he asks him to do a hard task he should help him therein. (Bukhari) Responding to whispers of Shaytan: The wish of Shaytan is to misguide human beings from the path of Allaah this is what he sets out to do right from the onset: Iblis (Shaytan)J said: By Your Might, then I will surely mislead them all. (Q38[Sad]:82) One of the convenient ways Shaytan mislead man is to make noble efforts for the sake of the deen unattractive to him. The Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) said: The Devil sat for the child of Adam in his ways. He sat for him in the way of Islaam. and he said to him will you be a Muslim and renounce your religion and the religion of your forefathers? but he disobeyed him and became a Muslim. Then he (Shay tan) sat for him in the way of hijrah and said will you migrate and leave your land and sky and (although) the example of an emigrant is like the example of a horse in length? but he disobeyed him and made hijrah. Then he sat for him on the way of jihad and said to him will you strive (in the cause of Allaah)? It is the exertion of self and property, thus you will fight and be killed. then the wife will be remarried and the property divided but he disobeyed him and strove (in the cause of Allaah). Then the Messenger of Allaah said: Whoever does like this. Allaah has committed Himself to enter him into Paradise. (Ahmad) Absence of Supervision: The non- existence of supervision of others may lead one to weakness or lack of commitment. If a man feels that the others neglect. or do not supervise him, his activity begins to dwindle and his ability becomes weak. If, however, there is supervision, which is represented in asking about the man and rewarding him, his activity grows higher and his will and ability become stronger. Effects The most important and obvious effects of weakness or lack of commitment on individuals may the following: Prevention of True servitude: He who is weak in his commitment or not committed at all paves the way for evil and falsehood to prevail. As a result, he will be prevented from practicing the Simplest Islamic rules of commitment such as the rituals of worship. Lose of the Trust of People: People are not affected by words as much as by manners and conduct. Usually, the people who lack commitment have the most flowery language all in a bid to cover up there own lethargy and laxity. However language can only deceive the people for sometime but certainly, not all the time. Soon the reality comes out and the people consequently lost confidence in such a person because it is now clear that he was no more than an empty shell. Anxiety: He who is weak in his commitment to the deen is going to fall into sins quite easily. Sinning causes harmful effects, the most severe of which is anxiety and psychological disturbance. Allaah says: Whosoever turns away from the remembrance of Me, for him is a life narrowed down. (Q72[Jinn]:17) Deprivation of Rewards: He who is weak or lacks commitment actually deprives himself of great rewards both in this world and in the Hereafter. Every acts of worship earns for the worshipper specific rewards and when one lacks the commitment he also lost out in the rewards. Remedy Be keen to renew and reinforce your faith. This keenness generates energies and potentialities that help one to be committed and it is also a shield against negligence and dereliction. You should always call to mind the nature of this world and the Hereafter, the relationship between both and seek means of striking a balance between the two worlds. Bear only what you can handle in order not to become weak or altogether stop being one of those who strive in the path of Allaah. Since Allaah burdens not a person beyond his scope. (Q2[Baqarah]:286) dont do it too. Realizing that the path towards Allaah is fraught with obstacles and difficulties but it is the only path that leads, in the end, to eternal bliss.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Jan 2015 16:46:45 +0000

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