Once again Congress , in their infinite stupidity is screwing the - TopicsExpress


Once again Congress , in their infinite stupidity is screwing the American Public. All of this B.S. about fast tracking natural gas export licenses is NOT in our best interest. As the marketplace develops, and capital is raised for the needed infrastructure, that is one thing. To force the acceleration of natural gas exports at this point will do nothing but RAISE THE PRICE of natural gas in this country. How much did it cost to heat your home this winter? Well bend over. Here it comes. If congress gets their way, it will cost a whole lot more next year. How quickly they forget that we have not yet achieved energy independence. As an aside, be advised that the major American Steel Mills announced a price increase last week. The reason for the increase was given as the increased cost of energy.....natural gas in particular. Contact your congressman and senator and tell them NO FAST TRACKING of natural gas export licenses. There are plenty of other sources for Europe to draw from. Or, perish the thought , they can get with the program and drill for their own. It is there if they would only pull their socialist heads out of their rear ends long enough to look for it. As for pulling their heads out of dark enclosed spaces, well congress should get with that program too.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 18:51:11 +0000

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