Once again Dr. R.C. Sproul defines The Standard of Truth found - TopicsExpress


Once again Dr. R.C. Sproul defines The Standard of Truth found only in Sola Scriptura over that of Institutional Tradition, which stands without question. The only higher authority to the Written Word which stands inerrant, would be the ultimate Living WORD Himself, for Whom we anxiously await His promised return with quickened anticipation. The One other presence we lean heavily upon in the meantime, while referencing the written Word is the indwelling counselor of wisdom with Whom all in Christ have been endowed --- the Holy Spirit. (John 14:16-17; 15:26; 16:7, 13; and Acts 1:8) It’s no surprise that the world disregards the authority of the Bible. Humans have been rebelling against God’s commands ever since the fall of humankind. But what happens when the church begins to question the Bible? Dr. R.C Sproul helps us understand the nature of Scripture, beginning with the question, “What Is The Standard of Truth?” ligonier.org/rym/broadcasts/audio/what-standard-truth1a/
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 05:09:17 +0000

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