Once again THANK YOU so much for your outpouring of love and for - TopicsExpress


Once again THANK YOU so much for your outpouring of love and for all your prayers!!! After the long morning and Grace was finally asleep...I finally went to sleep. But I was awakened by an alarm and several doctors running in....Gracies heart rate was dropping. As hers dropped mine went up. They immediately hooked her up to EKG and did neuro check....they were afraid of stroke/swelling. My first thought was that God was telling me the answer...Grace doesnt need to have surgery again. Grace is stable and doing good...still low heart rate and being monitored. Then we get the call from Dr. Smith and she says the pathologist called and said do not go back in! Everything confirmed was Oligoastrocytoma but the new area was actual tumor that was dying!!!! Dr. Smith said Gracies case will go in front of the Tumor Board next Wednesday to discuss her case and if any further treatment is needed. Dr. Smith said her case is unique but by taking the steps that we have taken and the choices we have made were the best possible way. Had they went after this full force back in 2010....we wouldnt have the same sassy girl we have. We have been blessed and God has shown himself once again! Because of Dr. Boaz, Dr. Smith, Dr. Pradhan, all the amazing nurses and Riley Childrens Hospital...Gracie has had the best. She has beat all the odds! She is a walking miracle! But most of all it has been all of you, who have faithfully been there praying and I can not tell you how much it has been apprciated!!! We do know that the 1% that is left (which is in her memory cortex) will be watched closely with MRIS every 3 months!!!
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 16:18:59 +0000

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