Once i would love to take this opportunity to express my gratitude - TopicsExpress


Once i would love to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for all your prayers, right now am just weak, So today my topic is You can dare to dream This week, I got inspiration from a very unlikely source. I was reading Brazillian author Paulo Coelho’s book The Alchemist and therein, as I opened page after page, so many things fell into place. This international bestseller is about a shepherd boy from Spain who has to cross the desert from Tangiers to the Egyptian pyramids in search of his treasure. It documents the perils in a desert and how difficult it was for the boy to make it across and how on several occasions he was tempted to settle for less and avoid the desert process. Coelho writes about how many people trek through the desert and just when they are starting to see the palm trees of the oasis on the horizon, they curl up in the desert heat and die. “Every search begins with beginners luck and every search ends with the victor’s being severely tested,” he writes. It is a strange book. It is not even about Christianity per se, yet it explains Christianity in a very different way. I hope you get to read it. But anyway, by the time I put the copy down, my life was enhanced in an unexpected way. I mean, this boy is crossing the desert, but so are we! The elements in the desert are harsh and at every turn, we hope to see the oasis and what it signifies: rest. Coelho’s book ends with the boy finally getting to the pyramids all right, but as he was digging up his treasure, he got beaten up by a gang of thugs to near-death, because they wanted a piece of his treasure. But when they realized he had none to give, they left him, but not before unknowingly providing him with the most important and last clue as to the exact place the treasure is hidden. Basically, in order to get to his treasure, he needed the painful beating. I strongly believe that for every promise from God, there is a process you cannot skip. Not that God wants to punish us or that He derives some joy from seeing us hurting, but because that process is important for our learning and helping others along a similar route. More still, the process is important for us to treasure that promise once it comes to pass and give all glory to God. They say, easy come, easy go. Even away from the spiritual, the way people treat houses they rent, for example, is not the way they treat houses they own. Why? There was a process; a process that attached value to the end result. Be it in marriage, a wife (or even child) you have fasted about and sought God over will certainly be more treasured and not taken for granted. Let us not fear the process; it is very much part of the promise. And my process may not be your process, so stop trying to do it the way so and so did it; there is a God-prescribed destiny for everyone. Some choose to find it, others decide it comes with too big a price to pay and opt for the alternatives. In The Alchemist, Coelho writes that many people are too afraid of taking risks or being hurt and as a result they stay in one place willingly and only use their dreams as inspiration to live day to day, with no intention of fulfilling them. Don’t be part of that statistic. Greetings from Uganda Ddungu Ivan Barnes
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 18:57:07 +0000

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