Once in a while you read something and then see the world a little - TopicsExpress


Once in a while you read something and then see the world a little differently. I recommend reading the whole article, but here are some zingers. With four lobes, greater, more pronounced neocortex convolutions, and superior size, the brain of the sperm whale at 9,000 cc or the brain of the orca at 6,000 cc are the paragons of brain evolution on the Earth. By contrast, the human brain is 1,300 cc. And by point of interest, the brain of a Neanderthal was an average 1,500 cc. The human understanding of intelligence is material. The more superior the technology, the more superior the intelligence. Yet intelligence is relative; it evolves to fulfill the evolutionary needs of a species. All successful species are intelligent in accordance with their ecological position. Lets assign the average human brain a score equal to 100 [the average human IQ]... Based on associative skills as defined by the physiological structure of the comparative brains, we will find that a dog scores about fifteen, and a chimpanzee around thirty-five... Based upon comparisons of cortical structure alone, a sperm whale would score 2,000. Humans may be the paramount tool-makers of the Earth, but the whale may be our paramount thinker. technology and wisdom may be widely diverse expressions of different forms of intelligence.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 16:01:06 +0000

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