Once ranked highest in the world terms of perceived liberty, - TopicsExpress


Once ranked highest in the world terms of perceived liberty, America is now ranked 36th. Over 150,000 Americans departed the country last year. It isnt just that theyre leaving, either -- more people than ever before are choosing to RENOUNCE THEIR U.S. CITIZENSHIP. The college loan systems here are the most rapacious in the world; bankruptcy cannot annul education debt and college students can now go to jail for non-payment. No other country in the world has such a predatory attitude to its youth. Hourly pay has not grown at all since 2002 for workers with a college degree, according to the Economic Policy Institute. Wages have not grown for college graduates in nearly every occupation, and college graduates in the 70th income percentile or lower have had stagnant or falling wages since 2000. Families headed by early baby boomers (born between 1945-1954) are the last generation (on average) to achieve higher living standards than the one that preceded them, the Economic Policy Institute says. Then, there is taxes... U.S. taxes American citizens wherever they are in the world.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 16:04:30 +0000

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