Once there was a tree of life, She stood there in lone - TopicsExpress


Once there was a tree of life, She stood there in lone splendour, Providing shade and happiness to passers-by Always ready to protect and give selflessly. Once there was this tree of life, She would always smile through the storms, And hold on to her faith and her beliefs, Never questioning the trials and the errors. This tree of life would shower love, Ever so gratuitously, Ever so willingly, And ever so benevolently. She would never look for strife, But try to ease the conflict, And soothe the wounds, A balm to the broken hearts. When the rain would turn into tempests, She would call for a rainbow, When the winds would bellow recklessly, She would pray for a thousand splendid suns. Her friends, the reeds and the flowers, Would always seek advice from her, And the pearls of wisdom would fall, Like blessings from the skies. The Moon and the stars, Would sit on her lap, Listening to her songs of love, Falling deeper into a lullaby of bliss. The Sun would give her its best rays, Making her stronger as the days ebbed away, The pellets of water would shower their best crystals on her, And her roots would sink further into the ground. She would always hold on to her faith, Thanking her Lord at every juncture, Grateful for the bouquets and the brickbats alike, Showering praise on His Warmth and Grace. When the going got tough, She would look for that inner light, Walking the road less travelled, With hope in her heart, and a twinkle in her eyes. She would sometimes lose the battles, But the wars would be hers to win, As she climbed from the abyss, With renewed strength and a sense of accomplishment. She had dreams, Hopes she held near and dear to her heart, Things she didn’t talk about, While the entire forest sneered and mocked. She had dreams, Dreams of a better future, Dreams that seemed impossible, Dreams that gave her a reason to build everything from scratch. When the whole world would slip into slumber, She would stand with firmer resolve, Working against the clock, To materialise these fleeting rays of hope. When the night would be at its darkest, She would have this burst of inspiration, Her mind would suddenly see things, And her heart would race ahead. She would stumble and fall, But never would she lose that spark, That spark of madness, And that sense of pride and genius. And when she had fallen a million times, Like a Phoenix, she would rise, Rise from the ashes, And stun the world with her spiritedness. She would always build bridges, Even when she herself was a pretty mess; She would never speak ill of others, Even though they would stick a knife in her back. When she would bleed in agony, No one would dare offer her solace, She would then nurse her own wounds, And silently bear the burden of her own hapless destiny. When Love would charm her with its malicious ruse, She would fall into the trap, Naively, unabashedly, energetically, Never doubting the dangers and the dark shadows. She would love beyond measure, She would love with all her heart and soul, She would love like a ravenous beggar, Oh, but, she would just love. Because she was made for loving and giving, She was made for burning like the brightest star, She was made to feel each little and every sensation, Starving herself on the road to disaster. When her Lover would leave her at a crossroad, She would cry her heart out, But never learn from the lessons of hurt, deceit and betrayal, Never looking back but always finding a reason to hope. Love would saunter by, callously, Romance would leave her side at every step of the way, Her Lover would use her, and throw her away, Never understanding the depth of her feelings. She would be broken beyond repair, Her poor heart would be ransacked, Her feelings would be left lying at the altar, And her whole being would shake with angst and tears. But never did she stop believing in Love, Love was her food, her reason, her destiny, Love was the air she breathed on, It was like drug for her, an opiate she held on to. Just as she gave everything away, Never keeping an ounce of happiness for herself, She always loved, Unequivocally, unconditionally, and unapologetically. She knew that she would never be loved, But faithless is he, who loves, Aye, faithless is he, Who expects to be loved in return. But today, the tree of life has dared shed a tear, She is tired of fighting for Love, She is at the end of her rope, Because she knows that no matter, how much she tries. Nothing will be good enough, Because she is well aware of her limitations, She is only a tree, And there is the whole forest against her. She is only a tree, And she would always have to bend down to Fate, She is only a tree, Only a worthless tree, In this big, whole, wide, and cruel world. She gave too much of herself, Throughout the years, She had been bruised and rejected, By even her very own. And now the time had come, And now even the Moon had waxed and waned, And the Sun had denied her the Light, So it was time for her to bid a forlorn adieu. She did not have anything to give now, She had given everything away, And as she closed her eyes, And as she made peace with herself. She realized that it has been all worth it, In the end, she had used up all her talent and her ocean, She had replenished the empty hearts, And left a legacy, an echo of a song, and a symphony of hope. Krishnee Appadoo © 06 March 2014
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 22:30:31 +0000

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