Once upon a time, a black man was accused of murdering two white - TopicsExpress


Once upon a time, a black man was accused of murdering two white people. DNA analysis placed the man’s blood at the scene of the crime. The blood of one victim was on the man’s socks and in his vehicle. Odds of a DNA match – 21 billion to 1. The other victim’s blood was on a glove near the man’s home and also in his vehicle. Odds of a DNA match – 41 billion to 1. Hair & fiber samples, shoeprints and more all pointed to only one possible verdict. Guilty! But O.J. Simpson was found not guilty. Tens of millions were shocked but the streets remained calm. The George Zimmerman trial will soon go to the jury. Law enforcement is preparing for possible riots if a not guilty verdict is reached. But if Zimmerman was black and if Martin had been white odds are the media would barely be covering this trial, if at all. Instead we get round the clock coverage. So if Zimmerman walks and rioting does occur, every person & property owner harmed should sue the race-baiting media. They will be every bit as responsible as the rioters themselves!
Posted on: Sat, 13 Jul 2013 19:04:06 +0000

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