Once upon a time a long time ago near Jerusalem Israel a group of - TopicsExpress


Once upon a time a long time ago near Jerusalem Israel a group of people got disgusted with the political and religious leaders that were running things into the ground so they set up camp in Qumran near the Dead Sea and left us the Dead sea scrolls to study ... along with several copies of Bible books was an explanation of why they left the Temple area, mostly complaining that the leaders there had built a wall around the Torah adding their own pet peeves to the Law of Moses and calling them sins and demanding payment in sacrifice and obedience to their harsh and ultra strict rules. The Qumran (likely Essences) folks werent alone in their objection, John the Baptist who likely picked up his baptism thing at Qumran voiced his objections and lost his head over, then his cousin Jesus voiced His objections and the church and state nailed Him to the cross and the rest is history ... the point of all this is that many well meaning Christians add their pet peeves to what the Bible teaches and makes life hell on earth for everyone they can force their opinions on ... for example not only is drinking beer and wine not listed as a sin in the Bible but in chapter 14 of Deuteronomy it is mentioned in the Tithe law when you took your bread to the Temple you got food and booze and celebrated life before the Lord, God knew we were driven to succeed and wouldnt rest unless He made us ... but we all know people that condemn drinking and smoking and say youre going to hell if you play your music in the Honky Tonks and have a little fun ... I see the results when I preach at the Mission, folks that have been made to feel like failures for partying and so they climb into the bottle and accept being failures until it destroys them while us folk that know better can drink a glass of wine with dinner and conversation and put the left overs in the fridge and not feel condemned because they gave into temptation and had a drink ... many well meaning Christians build a wall around Gods Grace and cause all sorts of hang ups and complexes in folks around them that listen to their dribble and the worst part is they leave people with a distorted image of who Jesus is and what God requires of us as people ... you and me are free to be you and me ... I work hard to present the real Jesus to everyone that will listen and work harder to refute the claims of the Pharisees and overseers that accept Gods mercy and forgiveness but make everyone else feel guilty for being human and faulted and weak ... I wrote a sermon a couple of days ago that covers the theology behind what I am saying and any one interested can go back in time and find it or wait a while and Ill find another way of saying it ... it is my passion to set people free and that doesnt happen when folks add their own pet peeves to build a wall around Grace and make things to be sin that are not and make things to seem unforgivable when they are not ... I show my pointy little head in the newsfeed as often as I do because I love you all and I want to remove the bad taste so many other so called Christians have left in your mouth and give you a chance to meet the real Savior ... peace
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 03:07:57 +0000

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