Once upon a time, back in the 1960s, there was a school that had a - TopicsExpress


Once upon a time, back in the 1960s, there was a school that had a separate class for a group of kids who were always getting in trouble. They either fell into trouble or purposely caused trouble. The principal once referred to this group of kids as ‘morons’ and the word spread and the name stuck. One day, the new choirmaster for the school went to the principal and asked if he could start a new chorus group for the so-called ‘morons’. The principal reluctantly agreed to it, but cautioned, “We don’t have a budget for this, so keep the expenses down.” The choirmaster agreed. It was rough at times, but the choirmaster managed to get in a couple of practices a week during and between shenanigans of the rowdy kids. Then an idea came to the choirmaster – why not bribe the kids with a treat if they would calm down and really apply themselves during the practice. He took the idea to the principal. The principal said, we can’t spend a lot of money on this; what were you thinking of? The choirmaster said, “How about a snack to refresh them since practice makes their day longer?” The principal thought a moment and replied, “Alright, but let’s not give them too much sugar and make sure the treat is somewhat healthy. Keep it cheap!” The choirmaster agreed. The next practice the choirmaster told the group of morons – er, uh – KIDS about the treat if they would diligently practice. The kids responded and near the end of practice they were each given a sugar-free soda called Tab. {Remember those from the ‘60s?). He also opened a bag of red delicious apples and passed those out. The kids really enjoyed the treat. In the next few weeks they practiced hard and eventually, lo and behold, they were ready for their first in-school concert. They really relished the snack and soda pop that they ‘earned’ each practice. The school concert was a hit and the principal was so impressed that he found money in the budget to create a travel schedule to tour the vocal group all over the county and eventually all over the state! The kids worked so hard and began minding their manners and were on their way to becoming model citizens. But, some things are hard to change and the ‘moron’ tag seemed to stick – even with their newfound fame. They did not let it deter them, though, and began to travel up and down the coast to concert halls all over as they performed as The Moron Tab’n’apple Choir.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 03:41:40 +0000

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