Once upon a time, roughly 3 years ago, a little girl called - TopicsExpress


Once upon a time, roughly 3 years ago, a little girl called Mikayla Beames brought a smile to a devistated mummys face (that be me). Just a day after Ryan being diagnosed with leukaemia, in a hospital bed at John Radcliffe, she came over to Ryan and asked him whats the matter with you then proceeded to play games where we were under arrest and she was going to report all the nurses to Jeremy Kyle for making her sad 😄. Mikayla was only 4 at the time and herself undergoing numerous chemotherapy sessions, yet she wasnt shy in approaching others and making them laugh without the effort of doing so. In the couple of years following we had the pleasure of her company while at JR, joining me in the morning while Ryan slept to watch cbeebies and to have a little chat and watching him play Xbox when he was awake. She made his days go faster and I hope she had this in return. To this day, this very cool, special girl still fights brain cancer, along with other complications. Her Mum Natasha Jane Beames is trying to get the ball rolling on setting up a charity to bring some fun and joy to other children in their position. Please take a look at Team Mikayla, join the group, add friends, this in turn will help them get recognised and vital funds coming in! Thank you all 😃!
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 17:54:01 +0000

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