Once upon a time there was a boy and a girl. The boy and the girl - TopicsExpress


Once upon a time there was a boy and a girl. The boy and the girl loved eachother very dearly. Everyday the boy would call the girl in the morning to wake her up, tell her goodmorning, and say he loved her. Once the girl would be ready to leave, she’d walk outside to see the boy standing there waiting for her. The weather never mattered to the boy. He would stand there and wait for his love to come to him. They would walk to school hand in hand the whole way there. The two were nearly insepreable. When the day was done, they’d go home the same way they came. Once inside her house, the girl would race to her room and look out the window to watch her beloved walk away. This was their daily routine. One morning the girl didn’t receive her wake-up call. Worried, she called the boy to see if he was ok. The line rang and rang, but there was no answer. The girl figured he must have slept in and would see him when she walked out the front door. But, sure enough, the boy was no where to be found. A few weeks passed and the girl had not seen or heard from the boy. When she went to his house no one would answer the door. WANNA SEE THE FULL STORY? THAN GO LIKE ALL THESE PAGES ; *VISIBLE ONLY TO LIKERS*
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 15:50:56 +0000

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