Once upon a time there was a very powerful Lion. He was the king - TopicsExpress


Once upon a time there was a very powerful Lion. He was the king of the jungle and all animals were in awe of him. He was the undisputed King. One day he was sleeping inside his den when suddenly a Donkey came and started braying at the top of his voice. ‘come out you shameless Lion’ the donkey brayed. ‘You are no King, I will finish you with one kick’. The Lion raised his eyebrow and took a long yawn and went back to sleep. The Donkey however brayed again ‘ Look at this Lion, he is so afraid of me that he cant even come out of his Den, I will finish him with one kick’. Now, all animals thought that the Donkey is dead for sure! But the Lion did not even move his tail. After a few uneasy moments, the Donkey stumbled from here to there and went on his way. Now, a young Bear summoned courage to come up to the Lion and asked him ‘O king of the Jungle, why did you not react to the abuses of that Donkey? He was nothing before you..’. At this the King Lion smiled and said ‘My dear young bear, If I had ventured out and killed that Donkey, all animals would have said so what? Is this any achievement for a Lion? If in the process that Donkey had even managed to hurl one kick at me, all animals would have said wow what a brave Donkey, he died a Hero’s death. Hence, both the Donkey and I knew that in any case the Donkey would have won. I am the King of the Jungle. I have many other important things to do other than responding to suicidal Donkey’s.’ All animals went back to their homes, their faith restored in the wisdom of their King. Now guess the Lion and who is donket
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 15:29:55 +0000

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