Once we had a President who said,” Speak softly but carry a big - TopicsExpress


Once we had a President who said,” Speak softly but carry a big stick”. Now we have one who speaks constantly and can’t find his stick. The constant processes of the administration is to flout the law, avoid the law, make law administratively and all-round act like a tin-pot dictator from some country which has no respect for the Constitution or its formulation of government. The sins of a massive attempt to remake our society by single party rule are now beginning to destroy our great experiment. “A Republic if you can keep it” indeed. I once had a discussion with a citizen who ended his argument with a statement that, to paraphrase, he would trust his government to do the right thing. He is now seeing the result of that idea. Massive confusion, lack of leadership and not enough of the citizenry involved with controlling the unmanageable bloated bureaucracy. Sadly, this great experiment is coming to its end. All human endeavors, no matter how noble or true, are finally brought down by that other part of the human, hubris. The belief by some that even those great and workable ideas which give liberty and freedom to individuals must be put under the control of someone or group which knows better and are ready to help each of us to make better decisions. We may bumble along for a couple more generations, trying to believe we are operating as our Constitution provides, but, we are merely treading water as the vast bureaucracy consumes us. Our leaders are becoming figureheads and their followers sycophants. Any intelligent opposition is denigrated as fools and violent right/left-wingers. Sorry to be such a cynic. The facts are staring us in the face and we are still smiling. Though to some it is the grimace of death. Death of the greatest experiment in human governance the world has ever seen or will see. Is the American government idea of liberty and freedom the best? How many wish to leave this land and how many wish to come in? That may give the answer. Until we return to the melting-pot concept as opposed to the multi-ethnic, the society will continue to decline. One out of many is our motto and should continue to be. Modify, do not separate.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Jul 2013 16:56:43 +0000

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