Once we have learned Christ nothing should change our minds from - TopicsExpress


Once we have learned Christ nothing should change our minds from putting into practice what weve learned to obeying Him: But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them, according to 2 Timothy 3:14. In other words, the things we have learned in relation to God we must ensure they truly are of God and not man, then take and use them wherever we go regardless. For instance, David was at home and the things hed learned of God not even the king - official leader of Israel nor his elder brothers could dissuade him from executing them (1 Sam 17); a little Jewish maid living abroad as captive, in Naamans house the great captain of the Syrian army, recommended what shed learned of her God as a healer of leprosy and the result was miraculous 2 Kings 5; three men in Babylonian captivity learned there is but one God by which they disregarded a ruthless Kings idol worship and associated music - what a result! (Dan 3) and Daniel learned to pray without ceasing and the most powerful laws even though implemented specifically to stop him from communicating with his God could not. Finally, no matter what our status or whether we live at home or abroad we can make a significant impact with what weve learned from God. Because these things are no written in the bible just for an historical record of what God did in the past but have valid relevance for our admonition. Importantly, James encouraged us to be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only (James 1:22), meaning, we must put into action what we hear as those faithful individuals did, the knowledge of God even under difficult circumstances.
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 20:00:15 +0000

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