Once you understand the universe as a hologram and how these - TopicsExpress


Once you understand the universe as a hologram and how these things morph in and out of your field of vision it gets easier to understand how these craft (not sure if this vid is legit but whatever) are parallel-dimensional expressions of higher intelligence ie; a MIND that operates beyond 3D literal thinking ie WHOLE BRAIN FUSION where the right and left hemispheres work harmoniously - remember when I asked you the question what happens if the left and right marry? (theres a method to my madness). When you consider that the human brain is only approx one-ninth functional, and then you have a think about how perceived reality shifts and expands when you start using more of your mind, the fabric of reality as you know it, changes. Humans can only register whatever their 5 senses can pick up and some are tuned in to their intuition, so youre only getting a very thin slice of the ultimate-reality pie, as a human running on a mostly left-brain perceived reality. These ships (and their pilots ;)) are interdimenional representations of your much larger self, your much larger and far more powerful consciousness once it becomes fully activated. Most abduction stories and the experiences humans have when taken are a reflection of their own psyche, so when you have people being taken by Greys who do unpleasant experiments and what not, they are having the experience of communication with the part of their interdimensional self which is not fully aligned with the law of Love. This is not to judge the people who have negative experiences but it is definitely the case that they are merely experiencing a part of themselves. Humans are blessed with a brain and consciousness that can do and perceive and create the most amazing things and its really important to allow your self to investigate the parts of your self that believe in magic and anything is possible and how the universe is always only ever responding to what you believe to be true for you. Once you unplug from the slave matrix (reptilian/ego-based corporate consumer system) and you activate the right side of your brain and learn to use it and marry it with the left hemisphere, everything changes, including your priorities among soo many other things. Your creative talents soar for example. Some have experienced this under the influence of LSD for example. Theres a lot more to this than what I can go into here now without this being another long-winded rant but yeah... food for thought.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 11:45:56 +0000

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