Oncologist says, Go back to Africa. Ten days before leaving on - TopicsExpress


Oncologist says, Go back to Africa. Ten days before leaving on a five week trip to Africa, I met with my oncologist. He was alarmed by my low blood levels caused by the metastatic breast cancer. He was worried that the cancer had spread to other organs in my body and advised me to cancel my trip and begin IV chemo immediately. He ordered a CT scan and bone scan and I decided to wait on my decision to cancel the trip until the results were back from the radiologist. When the results came back, my doctor was surprised to see no new growth in my bones, liver or any other organs. So the decision was made to go. Its been nearly two months since my last blood test. When Dr. Wolff saw the results, he couldnt believe the increase in my blood levels. Was it the Xeloda vacation, the natural herbs (Milk Thistle and Dandelion root) I took instead or bouncing around in the back of a pick-up truck on African dirt roads for a month surrounded by wild animals, Fever trees and tall wheat colored grass? When I was leaving the exam room, Dr. Wolff said, See you in two months and in the meantime, go back to Africa.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 23:34:50 +0000

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