Ondo APC Senator denies joining PDP A chieftain of the All - TopicsExpress


Ondo APC Senator denies joining PDP A chieftain of the All progressives Congress (APC) and Senator representing Ondo North senatorial district, Asiwaju Ajayi Borofice has debunked ongoing rumours that he is planning to defect to the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP). The lawmaker, while debunking the rumour said he remains a committed member of the APC. Borofice made this known while fielding questions from reporters yesterday in his residence at Oka Akoko, Akoko South West local government of Ondo state. He said, the rumour was based on his intimacy with the Senate President, whom he described as his boss. The lawmaker said he loves his party and believes in the ideology and philosophy of the party. He said he has no plan to dump the APC for any party, saying he is a committed member of the party. “This is not true, it is a rumour and it will remain a rumour. I have never dreamt about going to PDP. It will not happen and it can’t happen. I am very loyal to my party. I am happy with our manifesto and philosophy and I believe this is a party that can bring a change, that will bring comfort peace and unity to Nigeria” the senator said. While reacting to rumours from some quarters that the APC was planning to present a Muslim/Muslim ticket, Borofice said people should exercise patience and wait till the party conducts its national convention and primaries. He said all the rumours by the oppositions was aimed at diverting their attention from their primary responsibility. The Asiwaju of Akokoland said there are lots of problem that need to be tackled, saying the oppositions should invest their energy in tackling those problems. He said the APC was a true democratic party and will present its leadership and presidential candidates as at when due. According to him, the party is still busy conducting its ward, local, state and national conventions. His words, “I want to say this; no Christian is pulling out of the APC. I think people are just jumping the gun. The electoral law is clear on how to select Presidential candidate and the running mate. It is a process, it is not an event and that process has not started. I think people should wait and see the party complete its process before they react. ” There is no official of APC that has issued a statement that the party is planning to field Muslim/Muslim as Presidential candidate and running mate. “Honestly those peddling this information are agent of the other political parties. Instead of them to advise their principal to tackle the issue of corruption that is destroying our nation, to discuss issue of unemployment that is claiming the lives of our youths, talk about insecurity, they are busy talking of Muslim/Muslim ticket, talking of Borrofice leaving APC for PDP and all these are irrelevant issues”. Speaking on the party’s performance at the Ilaje/ Ese Odo federal constituency, Borifice said the party should be commended for scoring such result. This he said was because the party has no structure yet, stressing that it has sent signals that after the congresses of the party and setting up of necessary structures, the party will be at the forefront in the state.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Apr 2014 14:18:48 +0000

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