One Crazy Christmas What is the craziest thing that you have done - TopicsExpress


One Crazy Christmas What is the craziest thing that you have done during the Christmas Holidays? Well, let me tell you about my crazy Christmas episode. My life like always is rush, rush, rush! Christmas Eve is a special time for our families to get-to-gather as it is with many families. After having Christmas at my parents, I had to attend Christmas at my sister-in-laws house. But for some reason, this Christmas Eve my mind was muddled! My thoughts were running in so some many different directions. It was a foggy night, raining, people in a hurry, driving fast, and headlight beaming in my rear view mirror. I hurried turned into the sub-division of my in-laws, for I was running late. Giving no thought to where I was, I hurriedly jumped out of my car and headed to the backdoor. I opened the door without knocking and walked inside. I looked around, I knew no one! To my amazement, I had walked into the wrong house. Oh my, what have I done? Where am I ? What was more amazing was that I was greeted with a “welcome.” I heard the words, come in, make yourself at home, grab a plate, and fill it up. I immediacy said, I cannot stay, for I have walked into the wrong house. It do not seem to bother them at all. But they said, at least fix yourself a plate of food, or at least take a baked potato with you. I gracefully said no thank you, and politely left. Walked back to my car, and carefully drove to the correct house. When I walked inside my in-laws house I said, guess what happened to me. I began to explain what had happened and everyone laughed. But my husband was not surprised, for he said you are always doing stupid or unusal things. The moral of this story is pay attention, watch where you are going are you could end up like me, being greeted by strangers in the wrong house on Christmas Eve.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 16:00:12 +0000

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