One Day at a Time: A Short Essay Detailing 15 Days in a Young - TopicsExpress


One Day at a Time: A Short Essay Detailing 15 Days in a Young Pups Life Day 1: Im told Im an adorable brown and white Beagle/Pointer mix puppy and I was available for adoption at a shelter. My floppy ears and trusting eyes made it impossible for one couple to say no. I had a busy day when I was spayed and had my dewclaws removed prior to going to my new home. So, with bandages on my tiny feet, I was packed and ready to go! Day 2: Home we go! My new home included canine companions and a young boy with a gorgeous smile, who is excited about their new puppy. They decided to name me Daizy and my new parents had been volunteers at the shelter and were very dog savvy. I had seen them around, and knew I was lucky to have been chosen by them! Day 3-5: I learned my new home and loved being outside in the sun, even if it was a little cold! I also had fun getting to know my new family, canine and human! I got a new bed and toys, and it wasnt even Christmas yet! I watched lovingly and intently as the hustle and bustle of the holiday season unfolded around me. I was safe and warm and away from all of the stress and depression of the shelter. I didnt think I had a care in the world. I quickly fell in love and I was loved in return. Day 6: I woke up feeling nauseous and a little weak. My already sorrowful expression was even more down. My new family worried about me and watched me closely. By that night, I had vomited and was too tired to play, and I wasnt hungry, at all. They took me to the emergency room and the doctor there thought one of my toes was a little infected. My owners also mentioned that I had thrown up and didnt want to eat. The doctor tried to give them some advice on getting me to eat, gave them some antibiotics to give to me, and sent us home. Day 7: I barely remember this day. I felt so sick. I was still throwing up and I even had diarrhea. I wanted to get up and play and be with my new family but it was hard to even find the energy to stand up. My family was so worried about me! They took me to another doctor. Everyone was very nice to me and told me what pretty eyes I had. I tried to wag my tail and let them know I wasnt scared of them, but even that was hard to do. The nice lady doctor talked to my mom and dad and they ran some tests. She looked so sad when she told us I had something called Parvo. I tried to listen as she told us what that was and that I needed to stay in the hospital to get better. She said I must have gotten this disease before I left the shelter and we didnt know it. I even heard that one of my friends from the shelter died right after I left. I tried to let mom and dad know it was okay to leave me with these people. That I would try and fight real hard to get better so I could come back home, soon. They left me, with tears in their eyes, and the rest of the girls at the hospital started caring for me. They took my blood and put something in my leg that had a tube hooked to machine that beeped. I think they were giving me water since I didnt want to drink anything. I couldnt, it made me feel worse. So, they put me in another cage, but the room I was in was quiet and warm and there was a cat, there, to keep me company. I also got to keep my toy ostrich that I liked to sleep with and I did sleep. I slept A LOT. Day 8: My caregivers came in to check on me often, but there wasnt much I could do. I always looked at them trying to let them know that I trusted them and I appreciated that they were trying to help me. But I was still very sick and didnt have enough energy to play with them. They kept telling me that it was okay. They told me to rest and stay strong. I curled up a lot and that made that tube in my leg stop working, so they had to change that a little bit. I tried to tell them I was sorry, but my tummy hurt and curling up is what made it feel better. They didnt seem to mind. They were never angry. They always just talked gently and reminded me that my family was waiting for me. Day 9: I didnt have a very good night. Even though I hadnt eaten in several days, I still threw up and had more diarrhea. When the girls came in, they werent angry, still, even though I made a mess in the cage. They said they knew I couldnt help it. They cleaned it up and gave me my medicine and told me, again, that I was a good dog and please try to get better. I couldnt tell them, but I wasnt sure I could do what they asked. I was so weak and so tired. This disease is mean and its tough! I wanted to be tougher, but on this day, I wasnt so sure I could be. Day 10: They offered me some baby food. It smelled good, but I wasnt hungry yet. I realized I might be feeling a little bit better, and when they gave me shots of medicine, I reacted a little bit and tried to tell them, Hey, that kinda hurts! I know they were just trying to help, though, and they seemed HAPPY that I reacted and tried to get away. Silly people! Oh well. I didnt vomit or have diarrhea, today, so maybe thats why they were happy. Day 11: They took that thing out of my leg! But then, they just turned around and put a new on in another leg! Oh that didnt seem fair. But, I heard the doctor say that those things cant stay in one leg more than a few days, so, they had to move it. It couldnt come out until I was eating. Well, I TRIED to lick the baby food, but I still didnt feel good enough to eat. Night 11: The doctor came back to see me and I knew I didnt look very good. I had vomited a lot of green stuff and it wore me out. I was so tired. The doctor talked nice to me but she looked so sad! I was sad, too, because I was pretty sure I wasnt going to get stronger this time. This was the worst I had felt, yet. She petted my head and looked at my gums. I was pale, she said. She was very worried I was getting worse. I was, she was right. She wrote down some things in my file about being worried and that mom and dad might have to take me to ANOTHER doctor to have a tube placed in my throat so I could get food. She said that is very important, now, and its been so long since I had eaten. Before she left, I saw her on her phone. She texted all the girls I had met from the clinic. She told them all she was worried about me and to be prepared for me to be worse the next day when they came to see me. I felt so bad because I knew they would all be sad for me. I went back to sleep and prayed real hard to get stronger. Day 12: I made it through the night!! Everyone was very happy about that and I showed them that I hadnt given up! I was a little stronger and I even let them feed me with a syringe. I couldnt eat, myself, but I didnt mind them feeding me. They even told me my family was going to visit me, today! That made me so happy. All day I rested and let them give me my medicine and I listened to that machine as it gave me fluids to help me get stronger. I knew that if I made it through last night, I could do it, again! My mom and dad came to visit me and even though I was still so tired and weak, they knew I was happy to see them. I couldnt visit very long, but knowing they were still waiting for me and hearing them tell me they loved me and to try to get stronger, made me ready to sleep all night so I could fight the next day, too! Day 13: I havent vomited in a couple days. They put some water in my cage, today. I didnt want it at first, but they said that was okay. I got all my medications today and I took ALL my syringe feedings like a champ. The doctor and girls seemed much happier, today. Im glad. I visited with my family, again, for a few minutes. I was so happy to see them. So happy, I drank ALL my water just so I could surprise them with an empty bowl in the morning! Day 14: Today I started getting pills instead of shots. I dont like the taste of those pills, but at least they dont sting like the needles do! Its a lot of medication, but I feel much better, now, so I will keep taking them. Im still not vomiting and I dont have diarrhea, anymore. They are still giving me food in a syringe, but Im losing weight, they said. I got to visit with my family, again. I rested my head against my dads head, like he likes. He had tears in his eyes, but he was happy, too! He likes when I do that. Maybe tomorrow I will try to eat something. They said I have to eat before I can go home. After a good nights sleep, maybe I can try. I really want to go home. I miss my new bed and toys. I miss my new dog friends and I miss the little boy. Too much of my life has been in a cage, already. Day 15: I heard them come in the door upstairs so I got loud and kept barking at them. Im telling them I feel better, today! Id like to try to eat, today! Hello? Are you up there? Im down here, and I feel BETTER! When they came down, I got up to greet them. My tail could wag, now, and my ears come up. Thats how I try to smile! Oh all those girls were so happy to see me better. They gave me food and water and I finished it all. They gave me my medicine, too. All day they kept coming down and giving me a little bit more food. They kept picking up my blanket and looking around. Maybe they thought I was hiding the food. Or maybe they were worried I was throwing it up. But, I wasnt. It tasted good and I wanted more. They gave me a bath and after that I heard the BEST news. I get to go HOME TODAY!! Day 15, evening: My mom is here! I can hear her upstairs. I cant wait to see them! One of the girls came down and they showed me a brand new sweater my mom got me. Oh its so warm and so pretty. I try to help her put it on me. I just wanted to go upstairs and see my mom so badly! Hurry, hurry!! They were so happy to see me! I had a bag full of medicine and some food, but the only thing that mattered was that I FINALLY got to go home. I finally get to be a normal puppy. I finally get to play and grow and be silly. I get to learn and explore and take care of my new family. For a second, I think of my friend at the shelter who died. I wish I had known he was sick. I wish my mom and dad had known how contagious this disease is. I wish they had known how dangerous it is. So many days of them worrying about me. They cried so many tears and got angry and scared. Im sorry everyone was so worried about me. But, I know how lucky I am that so many cared and were willing to fight with me. I know a lot of puppies arent as lucky. My name is Daizy. I have droopy brown ears and long legs. I have deep brown eyes, and one of them has specks of blue so it looks like a marble. I came from a shelter and I started my life unwanted and unsure but Im not any more. I have a family and the expectation of a long and happy life. My name is Daizy and I survived Parvo virus. Just in time for Christmas!
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 18:44:53 +0000

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