One Hell Of A Week. So as I sit here tonight I think back - TopicsExpress


One Hell Of A Week. So as I sit here tonight I think back over this past week and there has been a lot of ups and downs. Many close friends have lost there very loved horses this week and my heart broke for them each time. I watched as so many comforted and supported them best they could through there tragic time. I have had my own personal feelings of what the future looks like and what my next steps should be. You wonder how much can you deal with how much can you take how much time and money can you take away from your life. But then when you think you have had enough you have these incredible angels step into your life in so many forms sometimes its a gift sometimes its a kind word sometimes a phone call at that moment you just need a friend. This week I have been involved in a mare and foal placement that was in Ottawa so far away from me and because of so many people stepping up a mare and foal got a home. A filly got a blanket and trailering got paid cause we couldnt be there. So many worked together to help each other out and as I sit here I think wow all because people cared. I felt helpless in a way cause all I could do was set it up and bring people together but when I asked so many angels stepped up. Then today when Johnny needed a blanket what started out as a fun joke within min people figured out he really did need a blanket for him another angel stepped up and his is on its way as well. Earlier this week we recieved a box with treats and a blanket for Mac our donkey that never complains. Not to mention all the incredible gifts we get from so many. Then I look at the horses donkeys ponies and minis and as they stare back at me I know why I do what I do. Ya there are tough weeks and this has sure been one of them but then these angels appear and always remind me I am not alone in this. People always say what I do is so amazing but its the horses and all the people that keep me strong. So tonight I dedicate this song to all our angels out there. Each and every one of you. Never forget who you are and what you mean to us. Every little thing you do helps us no matter what its is from new to old to a friendly comment to a hug. God bless you all and your horses. Tamm Marv and as my grandpa always said. A full Crew.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 00:37:21 +0000

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