One Law for all that is Uniform Civil Code, Muslim Ummah [Islamic - TopicsExpress


One Law for all that is Uniform Civil Code, Muslim Ummah [Islamic Brotherhood] is a fairytale concept same thing with Aryan Dravidian Theory which is fake as per DNA studies No one is outsider even Refugees have Hindu Ancestry like Jews, Parsis & some accepted the faith of invaders.Read furthur to know it. We Indians dont know about its culture,religio n,heritage.We love those who paint beautiful picture of dirt [appeasers] but hate who shows mirror [fact]. Practically we are Kleptocracy [rule of thieves] & emotional fools/aggressive votors even educated one including me since 1947. We bring Anti Indian govts like Communist which supported China in 62 war,Owaisi party is offspring of Razakars who wanted seperate Hyderabad & Owaisi have same type of dreams. Dynasty rule since 47 did not work and have divided India like Nehru Jinnah reason for partition, Nehru- Abdullah family did not allow Sardar Patel to integrate J&K, Mamta destroying Bengal,Mulayam,Maywati destroying UP by Muslim vote bank,Lalu, Paswan destroyed Bihar state for Muslim vote bank. Yet we bring them. Kashmiris, Assamese, Bengalis Hindus are refugee in India. The only hope right now is BJP Modi,Subramaniam Swamy, RSS, Muslim Rashtriya Manch, Tapan Ghosh. India is secular due to Hindus in majority its a fact. Democracy cant work in Muslim majority.Turkey, Tunisia are secular,no polygamy also want Islam as political tool since Arab Spring a mirage Vote rationally after 2014 also Secularism does not means appeasement to Muslim. Saudi destroys mosque for hotels,malls type Saudi say no to Prophet but yes to Hilton. Kuwait held election in Ramadan but here we do appeasement. NonMuslims are not against Muslim but Islam as political tool,conversion & AlTaqqya[lie] & thinking they are Arab which they are not as per DNA studies u have Hindu ancestry and son & daughter of soil Sing Vande Mataram dont say Anti Islam Music is Haram yet u listen & Photography is Haram but u use Facebook,Passport why AlTaqqya debate with Ali Sina of Faith Freedom. Hindus believes that all religion leads to Divine but content wise Scriptures differ Islam,Christianity have to believe that there way is one of the way not the only way. Hinduism is a religion,culture,way of life & one of the rare religion to have secular concept in it.Thats why Jews, Parsis, Syrian Christians,Dawoodi Bohra Muslims,Moplah Muslims came & blended into our culture with ease & married Hindu females. Hinduism is not do and dont.Hindu Majority India never invaded others or converted other either by threat,money or sweet talk Muslim Ummah[Brotherhood/International concept] concept that they are all Muslims & stand,love for each other is a joke. Country 1st,Religion 2nd not both at same time also 1)Saudi-Iran hate each other bcoz of Shia-Sunni conflict 2)Jordan King Hussein butchered many innocent Palestinians in Jordan Civil war bcoz Arafat wanted to overthrow him 3)Iraq invaded Kuwait 4)Shia Jinnah founder of Pakistan many Shias are killed 5)Iran-Iraq war 6)Arafat supported Saddam in Iraq invasion,Palest inian refugee were asked to leave from Kuwait 7)Arab Sheikhs comes in Hyderabad & marry Teens Muslim girls in Hyderabad.8)UAE uses Children as jockey with no food.9)Turks wanted Freedom from Caliphate/Khilafat and the person who gave them was given the title Ataturk [Father of Turks] here u were supporting Khilafat Muslims will be silent .Dont blame everything on India, Israel , USA.Muslims of India are son & daughter of soils Muslims are more secure in Non-Muslim land.Of course there is discrimination but they have more opportunities in Non-Muslim land to climb up with no or little problems.But in Muslim majority. Non Muslims dont have these equal rights look at Coptic Christians in Egypt,Non Muslims like Hindus,Sikhs,Ch ristians in Pakistan & in India Kashmiri Hindus in J& K State,Muslim majority they are close to extinct Syed Asif Ibrahim cheif of Intelligence Bureau[IB] of India similar to being FBI or CIA cheif of USA.It cant happen in Western World.Idris Latif Former India Air Force Cheif,APJ Abdul Kalam President of India etc. Can it happen in Western world these are sensitive and high profile national post NAK Browne Cheif of India Air Force,AK Anthony Defence Minister of India,JM Lyngdon Election Commisioner of India,YSR Reddy Andhra Pradesh Former CM all Christians etc in vital & high profile national post Hindutva is related more to the way of life of the people in the sub- continent a Supreme Court of India judgement in 95. India culture, religion tells us to respect females thats why we call them devi (Goddess) [ladies] but to gentleman we dont call devta [God]. But nowdays our society have distorted mindset. Namaste means I bow to the God/Goddess in you shows no untouchability. Aryan-Dravidian theory is fake as per DNA. Colour of skin is due to melanin. Recent studies on DNA of Indians by CCMB of India,NCBI, Harvard proved that All Indians whether they are so called Upper/Lower Caste, Tribal, SC , Muslims, Christians of India have same genetic lineage. Indonesia,Muslim majority country are proud of there Hindu ancestry has Lord Ganesh on 20,000 rupiah, Garuda Airlines, Indonesia Embassy gave Saraswati statue to USA if India does it than its communal. Argentina Nightclub Groove in Buenos Aires city plays Sanskrit Music,serves Veg Food and non alcholic drink. Hindu caste system is not birth based as it was classification of job [Knowledge, Weapon, Land, Wealth not in one hand to be misused] not based on birth but ability,skills. The present Hindu caste system was followed by Portuguese,Spanish invaders called casta check these facts. Present dowry system is European yes Bombay was used as Dowry by European invaders based. In Hindu it was called streedhan which was property of daughter cannot be used by groom,his family & it was generally used in emergency like when she was widow. Female Infanticide,Purdah System,Sati/Jauhar came when Arab invaders converted,raped our females by force and thus wanting men to fight.But we have distorted mindset even now Check and spread my views among family,friends.Read Francious Gautier,Hindu Human Right website,Watch Rajiv Malhotra videos,Subramanian Swamy videos,Maria Wirth articles etc Valmiki who composed Ramayana was born in a family who we call Harijan/Dalit/Untouchable/Shudra same with Ambedkar but both are scholars and pundits,Ved Vyas Author of Mahabharat her mother was fisherwoman whom we call lowcaste, Krishna Bhakt Meera Guru was Ravidass who was born or did Cobbler work.Chandragup ta Maurya was born in family whom we call Harijan but he became King. Present Indian Army is Kshatriya.Kalpana Saroj was born in Harijan family but transformed Kamani Tubes from debt to million hence she is entrepreneur,Hugging Mother,Narayana Guru birth in Harijan family but they are Gurus,Scholar so its based on ability,skills not birth.Kalidas author of Shankuntala was also born in same type family. Modi,Mayawati CM of states were Born in Harijan family.Jagjivan Ram Defence Minister and Deputy PM in 70s,KR Narayana President of India 97,Kanshi Ram founded BSP Party,Late Santosh Koli of AAP Party,Cheif Justice of India BalaKrishna were born in Shudra/Harijan family etc Aryan Dravidian theory is fake see TOI,The Hindu,DNA,Deccan Herald,India Today Newspaper online
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 13:58:34 +0000

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