One Million for Ben Carson Please find below a message from our - TopicsExpress


One Million for Ben Carson Please find below a message from our advertising sponsor, National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee. Our email report is a free service to you with the help of our sponsors. The products, views, and offerings made by advertisers are not necessarily endorsed by Did You See this Newsmax Cover Story on Ben Carson? I wanted you to be sure and see the cover story in a recent issue of Newsmax magazine. This is a milestone in our efforts to nominate and elect Ben Carson as the next President of the United States. Ben Carson’s rising presidential star has the Democrats worried. Democrats Attack Ben Carson! At first, the news media and the Democrats ignored the growing support for Ben Carson. But, recently, the Democratic National Committee launched an attack on Dr. Carson following his first place finish in the straw poll conducted by the Polk County (Des Moines) Republican Party. Their news release cited his comments that, “Obamacare is the worst thing to happen to America since slavery” and that America is now “very much like Nazi Germany,” implying that he is crazy. They are the ones who are crazy. The Democrats fear the candidacy of Ben Carson because they know he will receive support from all Americans, including black and Hispanic Americans. They saw how Ben Carson’s new book, One Nation, has far outsold Hillary Clinton’s book, Hard Choices, and is still on the New York Times best seller list unlike hers. They’ve watched anxiously as the momentum has continued to build for Ben Carson to run for President. And, their concern has increased as Dr. Carson has finished first, second, or third in every critical presidential poll. Hundreds of thousands of Americans, just like you, have made this happen! Because of their generous support for Ben Carson and the nearly 400,000 Americans who have signed the petition urging Ben Carson to run for President, Ben Carson is now a frontrunner for the 2016 Republican Presidential nomination. Ben Carson would not have been placed on the cover of Newsmax magazine without this citizens’ Draft Committee building momentum for his candidacy. And, Ben Carson would not have been attacked by the Democrats unless he was now a frontrunner for the 2016 Republican nomination for President. Just look at the poll results that the National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee has orchestrated over the past 13 months... Ben Carson Surprise 2nd in Values Voter Summit Straw Poll 10/12/13 Ben Carson Wins Linn County Iowa (Cedar Rapids) Caucus 1/21/14 Ben Carson 2nd in CPAC Straw Poll 3/10/14 Carson Third in New Hampshire Straw Poll 3/14/14 Carson 2nd in Americans for Christian Traditions Poll 3/20/14 Carson 2nd in 2014 National Republican Leadership Conference Poll 6/1/14 Carson Second in Texas GOP Convention Poll 6/7/14 Ben Carson Wins Western Conservative Summit Straw Poll 6/21/14 Ben Carson Wins Polk County, Iowa (Des Moines) Straw Poll 8/25/14 None of this happened by accident. Yes, we have a great potential candidate, but if the National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee had not been organized, if more than 20,000 volunteers had not been activated, and if they had not been coordinated by our campaign team, Ben Carson would not have been on the cover of Newsmax, nor would he have won any of these presidential polls. As you may know, Ben Carson has formed his own political action committee -- USA First PAC. This is the first step that most presidential candidates take prior to actually running for President. Carson has also designated Terry Giles, a businessman from Houston, to be the Chairman of his presidential campaign, when and if he runs for President. And, recently Ben Carson announced that the theme of his presidential campaign (should he decide to run) will be... One Nation Under God, with Liberty and Justice for All Ben Carson sure sounds like he is going to run, but he recently added two caveats to his decision making process... Republicans win control of the U.S. Senate in 2014, and A groundswell of Americans urging him to run. Well, as you may have heard, the National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee has now spent $532,000 on radio ads placed on Spanish speaking and black radio stations in North Carolina and in Louisiana, the two states that hold the key to winning the U.S. Senate in 2014. In order to win these seats, a Republican candidate must win at least 12% of the African American vote and 35% of the Latino vote. We have data that confirms our belief that our ads will make that happen. Project One Million Meanwhile, we are tackling his second caveat by working to gather one million signed petitions urging Ben Carson to run for President prior to December 31, 2014. That’s why this e-mail contains this special link that allows you to sign a draft Ben Carson for President petition. --> If you would prefer to download a printed copy, you can mail it back to me via US mail using the address on the printable petition. Download this printable petition and mail it back to me. --> If you, and every person who receives this e-mail, pursuades 8 other people to also sign the petition, we will meet our goal. It’s that simple. Even if you can only persuade three or four people to sign this petition, please do so immediately! I do hope that you can help with this. Please collect as many signatures as you can. Friends, relatives, acquaintances, and neighbors are a good place to start. Remember, we need you to do one of 2 things: Sign the petition here --> Download this printable petition and mail it back to me. --> I have to be honest and tell you that there is one more thing I’m hoping you will do today. The National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee is running at full speed. Our staff has grown to nearly a dozen, and we are battling for Carson on all fronts, and especially in the first four delegate selection states. Our millennial project is off the ground. This is an effort to reach younger voters with the message of Ben Carson as the one man they can trust with their support and their vote in 2016. Today we are active on 150 campuses, beating the drums for Ben Carson. And, in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and North Carolina our plan is to bring people to the caucuses and to the voting booth who have never participated in the nomination and election process before. This is how Obama snatched the nomination from Hillary Clinton, and this is how we intend to upset the establishment candidate - whether it is Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, or Mitt Romney. We have a very specific strategy in place, and we are determined to execute it precisely. Sheldon Adelson, the Las Vegas gambling billionaire, has boasted that he will spend as much as $100 million to select a candidate of his choice. Right now that choice seems to come down to Chris Christie or Jeb Bush. Both Christie and Bush have flown to Las Vegas to meet with Adelson. Well, we can’t outspend Adelson, but we can outwork him, and we can raise the funds we need to get tens of thousands of new caucus goers and primary voters out on primary election day. But, in order to do that we need your help. Won’t you please consider making a $10 gift to the National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee today? If you can send $15 or even $20.16, it would be most helpful. Sincerely, John Philip Sousa, IV National Chairman P.S. I do hope that you will support this presidential drive on behalf of Ben Carson with a gift of at least $20.16 today. And, don’t forget to help us with PROJECT ONE MILLION. Our challenge is to generate one million petitions urging Ben Carson to run for President by December 31, 2014. We must meet this challenge so he will seek the nomination! Thank you. P.P.S. Don’t forget to send your friends and family to go immediately sign the petition urging Dr. Ben Carson to run for President. Contributions to the National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee are not deductible as charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. Paid for by the National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidates committee. PO Box 1376, Merrifield, VA 22116-1376 Download this printable petition and mail it back to me. --> sign a draft Ben Carson for President petition. --> Won’t you please consider making a $10 gift to the National Draft Ben Carson for President Committee today? If you can send $15 or even $20.16, it would be most helpful. --> https://runbenrun.nationbuilder/donation?recruiter_id=804701
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 18:59:57 +0000

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