One No Vote is a waste of time. One hundred thousand No Votes - TopicsExpress


One No Vote is a waste of time. One hundred thousand No Votes makes a strong statement. One million No Votes is deafening rebellion. I wonder what it would take to get one million No Votes? Delay executive action on immigration reform? Perhaps, betray a loyal and burgeoning asset of the future electorate with timidity and duplicity? Of course, to not vote plays into the hands of those who have spent millions on repressing votes, yet have not both parties rendered my vote futile? Has not the party that I have long supported abandoned their own principles and values for their political expedience? And what of the waste of resources and brain drain from deporting Dreamers? What of the sheer inhumanity of sending child refugees back to their home countries to face certain death? What of the US finally taking responsibility for creating the illegal alien scenario that has unfolded from a historic policy of mustering a large, cheap labor force for the benefit of capitalist exploitation? What of the future sovereignty of ALL Latinos in this country? Are we ever going to become full and equal citizens? Or is this just the latest violation of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo? I am utterly disgusted by the conduct of the President and his party. I know the other side hates me, they have said and done so more than enough times to make it clear, but what about the party that says it has my back? There are a few lone voices left in that party, and they too are being squandered, left on the left as their party drifts further to the right. I re-read Why We Cant Wait over the past few days. It is the Nobel Prize winning book by Dr. Martin Luther King, written in response to the Kennedys asking him to hold off on civil rights action until after the 1964 elections, more political expedience. So I am no longer angry. Now, I am merely resolved. I will not be voting any more, until I see the Democratic Party merit MY support. It is they who have quashed my voice, it is they who have made my vote not count for anything that I believe in or care about. I will not campaign nor encourage others to not vote, my decision is only personal and heartbreaking, but a million No Votes, starts one No Vote at a time. No Justice, No Vote. And a plague on both your houses.
Posted on: Fri, 12 Sep 2014 18:03:35 +0000

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