One Page Wonder 105 (Karma) The opening line of the chorus of - TopicsExpress


One Page Wonder 105 (Karma) The opening line of the chorus of Savage Garden’s brilliant song is “I believe in Karma what you give is what you get returned”. I have always loved that song because it has a real social awareness within its lyrics. Karma will always sort things out in the fullness of time, you know that and that is what guides you through the challenges that confront us in our lives. It is important to remember those that cared, and the ones who didn’t because you look for ones to trust as you move forward. It is said that you really get to know who your true friends are in desperate situations. Treasure those people and stick closer to them as they will give you the support and encouragement that you may need. I have come across several situations like this and at these times it is important to gain clarity and perspective. Sometimes what you lose in the tough situations is minimal in the whole scheme of life, but how we choose to interpret that is important. You see people get so angry because someone cuts in front of them in traffic that they become dangerous. If there is no collision, then there is no problem. People annoyed because they have to wait in line at a store. I smile in amazement at how petty some people are and how important they think they are. I work with a young man who had a leg amputated in a dreadful workplace accident. Now he has a cause to feel aggrieved because his life changed forever at that moment, and there must be some perspective his situation because an accident like that is really unfair. I am sure he has his demons but he does a great job and gets on with doing the best he can. So what aggrieves you and really how important is it in the whole scheme of things. In the past I would have had a blow up about petty things but not anymore. Over the last year I have accepted what came my way, took it in my stride and moved on with whatever comes next. I believe it is karma because I know I have been a person who has tried to make people happy and it has returned. Karma will treat you well, or punish you if you deserve it so be very careful how you treat others. I have come across a few people who only choose to associate with people if there is something that will benefit them. What goes around comes back because when they fall there is no-one there for them because they had been shallow maybe once too often. This is a lesson worth heeding if that is how you are. In recent weeks we saw a really clear case of karma coming back to get Julia Gillard. With her defeat and Kevin Rudd’s reinstatement as Prime Minister the 3 year cycle had completed. Now it must be said I like Kevin Rudd, whether he is a good politician (are there any) I don’t know but he does appeal to me as a genuinely likeable guy. On the other hand I didn’t particularly like Julia Gillard because I believe she put self interest ahead of her party and the Australian people. The greater good is the most important thing to get right in the whole scheme of things. However, in saying that her resignation speech was absolutely wonderful. She spoke with great dignity and humility and left the scene with great integrity. It should long be remembered and is a great model to follow when things go against you. Becoming aggressive, nasty and cynical achieves nothing and only makes you appear silly. If doing that won’t change the situation then why bother because it’s a waste of energy and creates stress. We may at times feel for whatever reason, unjustly treated. Often these moments come as a shock and we can become angry and frustrated and we can make ourselves look foolish. Find clarity quickly, accept the situation and move on because there are too many good things and new opportunities to be found in life to live with regret. Be a good person to your family, to others and more importantly to the world around you. Do that and you know karma will reward you? Have a great week Rodney Tattam 4th August 2013
Posted on: Sat, 03 Aug 2013 22:16:46 +0000

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