One Page Wonder 98 (Maxi) Life is a fleeting thing You’re - TopicsExpress


One Page Wonder 98 (Maxi) Life is a fleeting thing You’re born, you live, you laugh, you cry, you die. You’re never sure why You cling like a creature on a rock climbing over yesterdays and todays to a sunnier tomorrow Between womb and tomb, is there any more There must be, everything under the sun has a purpose Don’t cut it short at either end. This is a quote I heard about 35 years ago, not sure who said it, though I have never forgotten it because it is true. Our lives are ever changing as we go through different phases of our journey. We make decisions that serve us well, and some that don’t, however that is all part of our experience. Opportunities come, opportunities go and some we take, some we don’t. That is how it is, and that is how it will always be as change is always inevitable as our circumstances alter. We go through stages that are challenging and others which are rewarding but I now believe that the most important thing by far is to be happy. You never know what lies in wait around the next corner so you need to understand that sometimes when things go wrong it is how we make sense of the situation that makes the difference. The world is full of angry and unhappy people and it is sad to see because life could be far worse for them. Last weekend I visited my Mum’s grave, a beautiful spot on a green lawn bathed in sunshine. My Mum, Maxi, left us just over 5 years ago and it is quite a trip to get there so I don’t get there often enough. I decided that it was time I went so I sat down for a long chat. It is amazing what comes up in your conversation because it is all about wonderful memories that come flooding back. The peacefulness of the moment really brings great clarity to how our life is unfolding. Of course the conversation is all one way but in my head I know she was answering. It was quite surreal and quite wonderful and I am so glad I went. I told her so much about how our boys have grown and how proud she would be of them. How all of our lives are changing for the better in so many ways. Through my tears many things come flooding back and I told her that she had bought me some shocking clothes in her time. I was amused when I thought of this because she lived in a town with one store. Mums are always right, important and wise. When did you last see someone on a stage say “Thanks Dad”—it is always “Thanks Mum”. Mums are priceless in every sense of the word. I know mine was though I never saw her enough because of our different locations; however I always knew she was there for me, and I know my boys think the same about their Mum. Apparently time is a great healer, however I believe that time is the only healer. You can never get them back, though your memories live forever. All you have to do is think of a special time and see the picture and notice the feeling that comes up. You remember the good times and the fun times because they are the ones that make you happy. Memories are the most important thing so take the time to look for the wonderful things in your life. We all have some, though nowadays so few appreciate them. Having a fully enriched and healthy life is all anyone can ask for. Our world is such a wonderful place yet why is it that you see so many people in third world countries seem much happier. Many spend their time looking for negatives in people, get over yourself and be happy. Choose happiness above all and watch how it becomes infectious to those around you. There is no law against smiling, laughing and being happy so make that choice and see what happens. Oh, and thanks Mum, I enjoyed our chat, and I do miss you so. Have a great week Rodney Tattam 16th June 2013
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 22:18:48 +0000

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