One Piece 763 by Cnet128 Chapter 763: Declaration of - TopicsExpress


One Piece 763 by Cnet128 Chapter 763: Declaration of Humanity Jinbei’s Chivalrous Journey Vol 12: “The Ruins Above The Port Town Turnes Out To Be A Sea-Cat City” 2 [Insert text: Years of resentment turn to uncontrollable rage...!!] Flashback!People: It’s a Tenryuubito family~~~~~!!! // No, they’re former Tenryuubito! We can kill them, and the Marines won’t do a thing!! // Ah, how wonderful!! The heavens have granted us our revenge!! / I thought I would die before this day would come...!!! // Let’s break all there bones with hammers!! // Let’s stick them through with a thousand arrows!! // Don’t kill them......!! Let them live... // Live in pain forever!!! // My little boys were only 5 and 2 years old...!! // Just for stepping in front of a Tenryuubito... // ...they were shot 16 times with a pistol!! Instant death!!! 3 Flashback!People: My daughter was taken as a slave, then came home in a terrible state......!! // Shw wouldn’t speak a word, and three days later...she took her own life!!! // I was a slave once!!! / They took both of my eyes as a game......!!! // My wife was burned to death...!! / But you don’t care about that, do you?! // Thanks to the taxes we have to offer up to you people...!! / My whole country was destroyed by famine.........!!! / Have you ever been hungry?! // I watched as they all turned to skin and bones and died!!! // You’re meant to be like gods, right?! You’re different from us humans, right?!! / Then I guess you won’t die from a little thing like this, will you?!!! Flashback!Doflamingo: Aaaghhhhhhh~~~~~!!! Flashback!Father: Dofi!! Flashback!Rocinante: Brother!! Flashback!People: How dare you treat humans like less than vermin......!! / Do you even know about pain?! Or sadness?! Or hardship?!! // Well?!! Filthy Tenryuubito~~~~!!! 4 DenDenMushi: *brrrriinnngg...!!* Doflamingo: !!! // ......*pant*...!! / *pant*......... DenDenMushi: *brrrinnnggg...* Doflamingo: *pant*.........!! DenDenMushi: *brrrinnngg...* Doflamingo: *pant*......!! / *pant* // *pant* DenDenMushi: *brrrrinnngg...* Doflamingo: .................. // ...*pant* // ......*pant* DenDenMushi: *brrrrrinnnggg...* 5 DenDenMushi: *brrrinnnnggg...* // *ka-chunk...!!* Doflamingo: What is it? [Box: 33 Years Ago - The Holy Land of Mariejoa] Flashback!Tenryuubito: Are you mad, Saint Homing?!! // Surely you are better than this!! // Do you truly mean to cast aside your divine status and become a mere human?!! Flashback!Homing: Oh, I’m human. // I always have been. Flashback!Tenryuubito: Do you mean to say that we too are human, hmm?!! // Blasphemy!! Have you no respect for the Tenryuubito name?!!! // Accursed traitor!!! / You always have been a heretic!! 6 Flashback!Someone: This is as far as we can take you. // This is a far northern country, unaffiliated with the World Government. // Your new lodgings are over there, along with all the wealth you should need. I trust you will find it comfortable. Flashback!Homing: Thank you. It will do wonderfully. Flashback!Someone: ...Well then, allow me to collect your Tenryuubito identity chips. Flashback!Homing: ......Let us live a modest live as a family in this new home! Flashback!Doflamingo: Father, where are the slaves? / Let us go buy some! Flashback!Homing: Dofi... Rocinante... I will have to educate you anew. Flashback!Doflamingo: Hey!! // Why aren’t you prostrating yourselves?!!! / Your impertinence is unbelievable! You just walked in front of me! // Somebody, bring me a pistol!!! Flashback!People: ...............? Flashback!Doflamingo: Who do you think I am?!!! 7 Flashback!Doflamingo: (Father...) Flashback!People: Where are the Tenryuubito?!! Flashback!Doflamingo: (Why do they not prostrate themselves?) Flashback!People: Hunt them down!!! // Tie them up!!! // They’re making a run for it!! Find them!!! / They can’t have gone too far!!! / Don’t kill them... We need them alive to feel pain!! // Let that family feel the grudge this world has held for centuries!!! Flashback!Doflamingo: (Father... Why are they chasing us?) Flashback!Father: This place will shelter us from the elements... / How wonderful...... // The rumours about our family have not reached this region. Flashback!Doflamingo: We can’t possibly live in such a filthy place!!! // There are bugs in the house!! And the makes me want to throw up!!! Flashback!People: Hunt them down!! That family...!! 8 Flashback!Homing: I could not conceive that things might become this bad...!! Flashback!Doflamingo: ...... Flashback!Homing: I was naîve and foolish...!! Please...I will do anything...!! // I ask nothing for myself...please, just let my wife and children return to Mariejoa... / At this rate, our entire family will be killed!!! Flashback!DenDenMushi: This is the life you chose. // You cannot regain what you have cast aside. // Do not presume to call me again, filthy human. / *ka-chunk!!* Flashback!Doflamingo: ......... // (Father... For the first time in my life... // I feel pain...!!! // For the first time in my life... / I feel so hungry......!!) // Hurry up and eat, Roci! // People are coming!! / Blegh... Gueehhh... // Mother!! Flashback!Mother: I’m sorry, darlings... I’m not...feeling very well... 9 Flashback!Doflamingo: (Father......... // Mother has died.........) Flashback!People: We’ve got you now~~~!!! Flashback!Doflamingo: (Father......!!) Flashback!Homing: Please, spare my children!!! / Take me alone~~~~~~!!! Flashback!Doflamingo: (You fool!! What have you done to us all?!!!) Jola: Young master... // We have captured the boy Law!! 10 Jola: It seems he suddenly took to the idea of running away after all!! Law: ............ Machvise: He was running all the way to the port, oiiing~~!! Buffalo: (His torture for stabbing Cora-san is about to begin!) Baby5: (I feel really sorry for him now, though...) Law: (Corazon!! Dammit... Wasn’t that enough to kill you?! // At this rate, I’m going to have died for nothing!! // I bribed that lunk Buffalo with ice-cream...) Doflamingo: .................. Law: (But the bastard must have gone and told his brother on me himself!! / I was so sure the blade went right through his body......!! // But look at him!! It’s like he’s not even hurt...!!) Doflamingo: Law... I’ve called you here for a very special reason. // I’ve decided to accept you as an official member... // ...of the Donquixote Family...!!! Law: ?!! / Huh?! 11 Doflamingo: That look of unparalleled disgust in your eyes, born from the most terrible of experiences...!!! Law: ...............?! Doflamingo: I think you have what it takes!! Jola: Ohohohoh!! The young master’s expecting big things of you now, boy!! He has a knack for seeing what people’s futures hold! Law: (Does he still not know...what I did to Corazon......?! / But why...?! The bastard can report me by writing, can’t he...?! // What’s he up to......?!) // ...There’s no point expecting anything from my future... I’ll be dead in three years......!! Doflamingo: Fufufu!! That’s for your luck to decide!! Law: ?! Doflamingo: Our main business is underground dealings, you see... / And one of the things we trade in is Devil’s Fruits. These fruits can make seemingly impossible things reality! // Perhaps one of their abilities might be able to cure your illness...!! Law: Devil’s Fruits...!! Doflamingo: If luck is on your side, before your limit of three years is up, you might just be able to find among the goods we trade in... / ...a Fruit that will save your life...!!! // So here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to train you up... / become my right-hand man in ten years’ time!!! 12 Doflamingo: Hm? Corazon? Where did you get that wound? [BubbleSFX: *fwip*...] [Paper: Enemy] Doflamingo: It looks pretty bad...! I hope you settled things with the culprit. [BubbleSFX: *fwip*] Doflamingo: ...Well, if you ay so... Just be careful. Law: ......... // (Is he trying to...protect me...?! // What the hell... // that bastard thinking?!!) Doflamingo: We move our base towards the southeastern Reverse Mountain... // ...and continue expanding our operations along the way. 13 [no text just pirating] 14 [no text just more pirating] 15 Baby5: But we told you our real names!! Law: Like I’m even interested!! Buffalo: Jeez, you’re no fun at all~~~!! Law: Why should I have fun? I’m only going to die in the end. Baby5: You’re turning white in a lot of places now, huh. Law: I wonder if I’ll last another year... My calculations might have been too hopeful. Buffalo: Anyway, if you have a real name, you gotta tell us!! / Else I’ll tell the young master how you stabbed Cora-san two years ago!! Law: ......... 16 Law: Trafalgar D Water Law. // I’m not meant to tell anyone this name, though...!! // I don’t go by a codename like you guys, so you already know most of it. / The D is my “hidden name” and Water is my “taboo name”. For generations, my family have... Baby5: ...Awww, that’s not much fun. Buffalo: Yeah, it really isn’t. Law: You’re the ones who wouldn’t stop asking!! // Ahh!!! // Hey!! Let me go!! What is it?!! / What do you want, Corazon?!! Baby5: Oh dear, there he goes bullying him again. Buffalo: Cora-san had a scarier face than usual just now... 17 Law: Ungh!! // What is it, Corazon?!! / You wanna fight?!! Corazon: What you said just now...was it true?! Law: .........Huh? // Huh?? // ......... // Who’s there? Corazon: Your hidden name is “D”... If that really is true... / You must leave! Stay away from Dofi!! Law: ?!! Corazon: Law...people like you... // ...shouldn’t be allowed near him!!! Law: ??!! [Insert text: Corazon...speaks?!!]
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 03:02:35 +0000

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