One Voice Crying! [Monday, July 22, 2013] One Voice Ministries - TopicsExpress


One Voice Crying! [Monday, July 22, 2013] One Voice Ministries Brenda Kunneman “The Spirit says, I shall raise up voices in this hour who shall begin to echo a resounding sound. They shall come together as one voice crying and give My church advance notice on what I am doing in the earth. So listen for their message that you may be better equipped for the current time.” Prophetic Scripture: The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight (Mark 1:3). When John the Baptist was raised up, it was to prepare the world for the coming of Jesus. He came in advance to get hearts ready and open to the Gospel message. Whenever God gets ready to do anything in the earth, He always sends messengers to prepare His people. God never wants us to be unprepared, because He wants us to participate in the things He is doing. He works in partnership with His people to accomplish a divine purpose. Begin to listen for a common message coming from the ministries and vessels that the Lord has given a platform to speak. Look for a common subject matter in the things being preached and even prophesied that will help define God’s direction for the upcoming season. You may also find that some of these things will be right in line with things you are hearing from God in prayer and study as well. Then ask the Holy Spirit to help you know your part to play in the key things He wants to accomplish in the earth. We are here to prepare the way for the Lord’s return, so let’s tune our ear more readily than ever to hear the Holy Spirit crying with one voice! Prayer: Holy Spirit, help me to hear the key resounding messages that You are speaking worldwide. I pray for the leaders You have raised up who speak for You and ask that You would help me do my part to help Your purposes be accomplished. Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Jul 2013 08:29:18 +0000

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