One-Week Course of Godly Knowledge The study or recitation of - TopicsExpress


One-Week Course of Godly Knowledge The study or recitation of sacred texts for one week continuously is considered in India to be of special sanctity and of great spiritual merit. Here, it is customary for the religious-minded people to arrange for one-week recitation of a scripture, styling it as ‘Shrimad Bhagwat Week’ or ‘The Gita Week’. It would be worth-while to know how and when this practice or tradition of holding seven-day religious congregations for reading out the legends or scriptures started. Commonsense and experience explain that in the beginning when God, the Knowledgeful, delivered Holy Knowledge to the mankind through the corporeal medium of Prajãpita Brahmã, also known as ‘Adam’ in other principal religions, the Brahmins (spiritual progeny of Brahma or Adam) took about a week to impart the essence of that divine knowledge to others by word of mouth. Much later, when that ancient knowledge was put to writing in the form of voluminous scriptures or legends, the orthodox people took to the practice of week-long recitation of those books by dividing the whole mass of written material of a particular scripture into seven parts. As time passed, people of other faiths, such as the Sikhs also adopted this old tradition of weeklong reading-aloud of their own sacred books. But, when the practice of week-long recitation of scriptures or mythological tales started, then the essence of the original righteous knowledge, revealed by God Himself, had gone into oblivion and the real, righteous and soul-conscious Brahmins, regenerated by God through Brahmã’s mouth (i.e., by means of oral discourses) had become nonexistent. Then, neither the seekers had that zest and earnestness nor they put into practice the spiritual discipline and code of righteous conduct that had been prescribed for a person having aspiration to listen to sevenday discourse. Barely the tradition of reading aloud of the scriptures for one week continuously remained to be. Now, the time has reached its tail-end of Kaliyuga and ‘Shiva’, the Knowledgeful Incorporeal God, has been revealing again, since the past several years, that original, primeval, real knowledge or divine wisdom. That very Holy Knowledge is discoursed in brief by the Brahmins now regenerated through the mouth of Prajãpita Brahmã, to those who seek it. That Godly Knowledge, based on practical experience, and being discoursed orally, has been compiled and edited into the formof this book written in common language and easy-to-understand style. It is hoped that the seekers-after-truth would study it with their mind set on attainment of virtue and truth and would derive the maximum benefit by studying it over again and would further think of learning the practice of Yoga and the valuable hints for being able to score a victory over the vices and would set to sincere endeavours for a life of complete purity and firm Yoga. It should be noted that observance of certain spiritual principles is absolutely necessary for deriving full benefit out of the study of this book—‘ONE-WEEK COURSE’. One should observe chastity (Brahmacharya), should look on all living beings as so many ‘Souls’, should take only Sattwic diet, should abstain from meals prepared by vicious people and should shun bad company. There is not an iota of doubt that one who observes these principles willingly, sincerely and fully, will benefit a lot from the exhilarating Divine Knowledge embodied in the following pages of this book. As a matter of fact, it is demanded of a keen spiritual aspirant that he should try to practise soul-consciousness continuously and set his mind to continuous remembrance of God, the most beloved Father and should keep his mind busy with the study, recapitulation, and rumination of this wonderful knowledge and also with the effort to inculcate Divine Qualities in himself. He should observe more silence and should speak less and at low pitch and should not allow himself to be affected by any vice or any evil thought. This would make the study of real akhand patha (continuous reading) and this is how the Akhand Patha or Sãptahik Pãtha (One Week Study) originated. Without continuous practise of soul-consciousness and remembrance of God, it would not be truly an ‘Akhand Pãtha’ because the very essence or object of this study is the attainment of soul-consciousness and fixity in Yoga. It is sincerely hoped that by hearing, reading, recapitulating and practising this Knowledge and Yoga in the aforesaid manner, man would attain purity, peace and bliss and would feel himself a highly blessed and lucky person. —BK
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 15:00:46 +0000

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