One With Christ “For both he that sanctifieth and they who are - TopicsExpress


One With Christ “For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one: for which cause he is not ashamed to call them brethren.” Hebrew 2:11 You and Jesus have the same Father and just like Jesus can say Father, you also have that God given right to call God you Father by reason of your new creation. Now the text says that’s why He (Jesus) is not ashamed to call us brothers and sisters because we have become one with Him. But you may say, Brother Mike, you don’t know what I did before I came to church. Child of God listen to me, He is still not ashamed of you; oh yes! You may have messed up, you must have blown it before you came, He is still not ashamed of you, because that is the reason He came. Jesus did not come to restore Angels to the position of sons, He came to redeem the descendants of Abraham - we are the seeds of Abraham. Therefore, it was necessary for Him to be made in every respect like us, so that He could be our merciful and faithful High Priest before God. Then and only then could He offer a sacrifice that will take away the sins and the suffering because He himself has gone through suffering and testing, He is able to help us when we are being tested. Beloved don’t be disturbed, or embarrassed or feel discouraged when the world seem not to recognize you, because they did same to Jesus. You are not alone in the boat. When they seem to ridicule you, don’t be bothered as long as you know that you are one with Jesus. That’s all that matters. I John 3;2 says “Beloved, now are we the sons of God...” it says, ‘Now’ we are sons of God’, it’s not when we get to heaven. When you don’t see yourself from that stand point and you don’t have the mindset of a son in the house, you cannot function as a son. But when you have the mindset of a son in the house, you carry yourself differently from strangers. If a stranger comes to your house, there are things he cannot do. A visitor or a guest has limits but a son doesn’t. He can go to the fridge, open it and help himself but a guest sits down and is served. The son can move from his own bedroom to the father’s or mother’s bedroom, he can jump on the father’s laps and can go anywhere. Those are the privileges of the son. Give God praise for you are a son in the house. Further Reading: Romans 8:10-17, Hebrew 2:10-18 Daily Bible Reading: Morning: Psalms 46-48; Evening Acts 28 - Bishop Mike Okonkwo
Posted on: Mon, 29 Jul 2013 02:53:36 +0000

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