One consequence of flying cross country - Im almost 5 hours in on - TopicsExpress


One consequence of flying cross country - Im almost 5 hours in on a flight to San Francisco - one has a lot of time to kill. Years past I would spend it reading, usually mysteries or thrillers that Id devour whole, sometimes 2 at a time, Now that getting on-line is available in flight, I find I can destroy my brain far more comfortably scanning FB. So.......dear Facebook friends, hello from 30,000 feet, and now that the niceties are done with, may I suggest...... ...that, apparently, none of us have learned our lessons properly. First, we roared and scoffed that Ronald Reagan, Ol Bedtime for Bonzo Reagan could win election, but he did, in California as governor, then a two-term President thats changed everyones lives forever. Then we scoffed that George Shrub Bush, that inarticulate, hick cowboy from Yale could ever win....even though the man NEVER lost an election that I can recall in his entire life. Still, we called him stupid, while his policies decimated the country, but deeply satisfied his supporters. Having just lost the past election in shattering, historical style, the center aisle in Congress has moved so far to the right (as you look out from the podium) some of the Democrats are so far left now, theyre speaking with Mid-lantic accents. We can happily score Joni Ernts response to the SOTU speech as stupid, never mind that she castrated her Democratic opponent at least as effectively as she, perhaps apocryphally, castrated those hogs. Meanwhile, in as evil a move as Ive ever seen politically, this Congress is sabotaging the Presidents foreign policy by inviting Netanyahu to speak before Congress, an act that will almost certainly scuttle present negotiations with Iran. Thats not stupid. Thats treason, and unconstitutional. Congress is there to advise and support the executive foreign policy function, not devastate it. Snce the business of politics is about winning elections, just who the hell is stupid here? I think we on the Left (or, at least those to the left of Atilla the Hun) need to park that word. The only stupid people in sight here are the hapless Democrats and the fools whove scoffed their way into near-oblivion. We are all, all such an insightful crowd and we are all the more stupid for it. Can we declare a moratorium on stupid at least until we actually win something?
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 19:53:05 +0000

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