One day I saw an elderly plumber packing up his equipment outside - TopicsExpress


One day I saw an elderly plumber packing up his equipment outside of my neighbors house. My heart was gripped with compassion for this man and I couldnt sit still. Finally I went outside to talk to him. As I approached I could say nothing but, I dont know why I came out here, I saw you through the window and couldnt just stay inside. I had to come tell you how much God loves you. The man stared blankly at me as if hed seen a ghost. He didnt know what to say. I then heard Jesus tell me to pray for his back. I asked him if I could pray for his back and he nodded his head yes. He bowed his head and I prayed for him. After, the man barely said a word. His countenance was stunned and contemplative. I hugged him and went back inside. The next day I got a knock on my door from an elderly woman. She said that she was a Christian and had stayed up every night for almost forty years praying for her hurting husband to come to know God. She said her husband came home from work the previous day and told her about a boy who came up to him while he was working and said nothing but how much God loved him, then somehow knew about his back pain and prayed for it to be healed. The lady was moved with faith and joy knowing she wasnt alone and God had heard her prayers and was pursuing her husband. She said her husband was changed by this encounter... I sure was too! You can be the feet to someones prayer today! Step out in faith and see Gods love on the move!
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 18:15:12 +0000

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